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- 18/Jun/2010
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- 17/Jun/2010
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- 16/Jun/2010
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- 16/Jun/2010
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- 15/Jun/2010
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- 15/Jun/2010
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- Early Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in Neutropenic Patients. Comparison between Serum Galactomannan and Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Methadone for Cancer Pain
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- Implication of Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase and its Novel Variants in the Hippocampus and Cerebellum During the Developing and Adult Brain
- Role of Apoptosis in Amplifying Inflammatory Responses in Lung Diseases
- Targeted Knockdown of Tissue Factor in B16F10 Melanoma Cells Suppresses their Ability to Metastasize to Bone and Cause Cancellous Bone Loss
- Predictive Value of Absent Septal q Wave in Patients with Significant Stenosis of Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
- Right Ventricular Variants and Pulmonary Embolism—Association or Coincidence?
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- Rough Set Soft Computing Cancer Classification and Network: One Stone, Two Birds
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- Time Course Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns in Zebrafish Eye During Optic Nerve Regeneration
- Recent Pharmacological Advances: Focus on Small-cell Lung Cancer
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- Metformin and N-acetyl Cysteine in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome—A Comparative Study
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- Current Status of Monocyte Differentiation-Inducing (MDI) Factors Derived from Human Fetal Membrane Chorion Cells Undergoing Apoptosis after Influenza Virus Infection
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- Evaluation of Two Outlier-Detection-Based Methods for Detecting Tissue-Selective Genes from Microarray Data
- Exploring the Evolutionary History of the Differentially Expressed Genes between Human Populations: Action of Recent Positive Selection
- Systems Biology-Based Identification of Crosstalk between E2F Transcription Factors and the Fanconi Anemia Pathway
- On the Adaptive Design Rules of Biochemical Networks in Evolution
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- Identification and Quantitation of Asparagine and Citrulline Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Fast Genes and Slow Clades: Comparative Rates of Molecular Evolution in Mammals
- In Silico Promoter Analysis can Predict Genes of Functional Relevance in Cell Proliferation: Validation in a Colon Cancer Model
(previous 30 days)Site updates
Journal: Biomarker Insights
Journal: Cancer Informatics
Journal: Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Journal: Bioinformatics and Biology Insights
Journal: Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology
Gene expression profiling provides tremendous information to help unravel the complexity of cancer. The selection of the most informative genes from huge noise for cancer classification has taken centre stage, along with predicting the function of such identified genes and the construction of direct gene regulatory networks at different system...
Optimal Network Alignment with Graphlet Degree Vectors (30/Jun/2010)
Important biological information is encoded in the topology of biological networks. Comparative analyses of biological networks are proving to be valuable, as they can lead to transfer of knowledge between species and give deeper insights into biological function, disease, and evolution. We introduce a new method that uses the Hungarian...
The presence of nucleotide hybridization between the 3′ end of 16S rRNA and mRNA sequence upstream of the start codon is well known in bacteria. In this paper, we detect the presence of such hybridization sites inside the coding regions of E. coli genes, and analyze their proximity to clusters...
Normal Mode Flexible Fitting of High-Resolution Structures of Biological Molecules Toward SAXS Data (21/Jun/2010)
We present a method to reconstruct a three-dimensional protein structure from an atomic pair distribution function derived from the scattering intensity profile from SAXS data by flexibly fitting known x-ray structures. This method uses a linear combination of low-frequency normal modes from an elastic network description of the molecule in an iterative manner to deform the structure to conform optimally to the target pair distribution function derived from SAXS data. For computational efficiency, the protein...
3-dimensional domain swapping is a mechanism where two or more protein molecules form higher order oligomers by exchanging identical or similar subunits. Recently, this phenomenon has received much attention in the context of prions and neuro-degenerative diseases, due to its role in the functional regulation, formation of higher oligomers, protein...
An Efficient Gatekeeper Algorithm for Detecting GxE (12/May/2010)
The risk for many complex diseases is believed to be a result of the interactive effects of genetic and environmental factors. Developing efficient techniques to identify gene-environment interactions (GxE) is important for unraveling the etiologic basis of many modern day diseases including cancer. The problem of false positives and false...
Development and Validation of Predictive Indices for a Continuous Outcome Using Gene Expression Profiles (07/May/2010)
There have been relatively few publications using linear regression models to predict a continuous response based on microarray expression profiles. Standard linear regression methods are problematic when the number of predictor variables exceeds the number of cases. We have evaluated three linear regression algorithms that can be used for the...
A Penalized Mixture Model Approach in Genotype/Phenotype Association Analysis for Quantitative Phenotypes (27/Apr/2010)
A mixture normal model has been developed to partition genotypes in predicting quantitative phenotypes. Its estimation and inference are performed through an EM algorithm. This approach can conduct simultaneous genotype clustering and hypothesis testing. It is a valuable method for predicting the distribution of quantitative phenotypes among multi-locus genotypes across...
Background: Genetic and epigenetic alterations in colorectal cancer are numerous. However, it is difficult to judge whether such changes are primary or secondary to the appearance and progression of tumors. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify altered DNA regions with significant covariation to transcription alterations...
An efficient computing procedure for estimating the age-specific hazard functions by the log-linear age-period-cohort (LLAPC) model is proposed. This procedure accounts for the influence of time period and birth cohort effects on the distribution of age-specific cancer incidence rates and estimates the hazard function for populations with different exposures to...
Effect of Diet Supplementation on the Expression of Bovine Genes Associated with Fatty Acid Synthesis and Metabolism (31/Mar/2010)
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are of important nutritional and health benefit to human. Food products of animal origin are their major dietary source and their concentration increases with high concentrate diets fed to animals. To examine the effects of diet supplementation on the expression of genes related to lipid...
Cancer is a disease associated with the deregulation of multiple gene networks. Microarray data has permitted researchers to identify gene panel markers for diagnosis or prognosis of cancer but these are not sufficient to make specific mechanistic assertions about phenotype switches. We propose a strategy to identify putative mechanisms of...
When confronted with a small sample, feature-selection algorithms often fail to find good feature sets, a problem exacerbated for high-dimensional data and large feature sets. The problem is compounded by the fact that, if one obtains a feature set with a low error estimate, the estimate is unreliable because training-data-based...
When confronted with a small sample, feature-selection algorithms often fail to find good feature sets, a problem exacerbated for high-dimensional data and large feature sets. The problem is compounded by the fact that, if one obtains a feature set with a low error estimate, the estimate is unreliable because training-data-based...
Multi-class cancer classification based on microarray data is described. A generalized output-coding scheme based on One Versus One (OVO) combined with Latent Variable Model (LVM) is used. Results from the proposed One Versus One (OVO) output- coding strategy is compared with the results obtained from the generalized One Versus All...
A Method to Detect Differential Gene Expression in Cross-Species Hybridization Experiments at Gene and Probe Level (05/Mar/2010)
Motivation: Whole genome microarrays are increasingly becoming the method of choice to study responses in model organisms to disease, stressors or other stimuli. However, whole genome sequences are available for only some model organisms, and there are still many species whose genome sequences are not yet available. Cross-species studies, where...
Expression a La Bimode (03/Mar/2010)
The recently published article by Wang, and commented on by Ertel in this journal, describes development of a method, named the Bimodality Index, to objectively identify and rank meaningful and reliable bimodal patterns from large-scale gene expression datasets. This is an important step because genes with a bimodal distribution may...
The Power of the Web in Cancer Drug Discovery and Clinical Trial Design: Research without a Laboratory? (18/Feb/2010)
The discovery of effective cancer treatments is a key goal for pharmaceutical companies. However, the current costs of bringing a cancer drug to the market in the USA is now estimated at $1 billion per FDA approved drug, with many months of research at the bench and costly clinical trials....
Evolutionary Pattern of N-Glycosylation Sequon Numbers in Eukaryotic ABC Protein Superfamilies (17/Feb/2010)
Many proteins contain a large number of NXS/T sequences (where X is any amino acid except proline) which are the potential sites of asparagine (N) linked glycosylation. However, the patterns of occurrence of these N-glycosylation sequons in related proteins or groups of proteins and their underlying causes have largely been...
Gene selection is of vital importance in molecular classification of cancer using high-dimensional gene expression data. Because of the distinct characteristics inherent to specific cancerous gene expression profiles, developing flexible and robust feature selection methods is extremely crucial. We investigated the properties of one feature selection approach proposed in our...
Gene selection is of vital importance in molecular classification of cancer using high-dimensional gene expression data. Because of the distinct characteristics inherent to specific cancerous gene expression profiles, developing flexible and robust feature selection methods is extremely crucial. We investigated the properties of one feature selection approach proposed in our...
Bimodal Gene Expression and Biomarker Discovery (04/Feb/2010)
With insights gained through molecular profiling, cancer is recognized as a heterogeneous disease with distinct subtypes and outcomes that can be predicted by a limited number of biomarkers. Statistical methods such as supervised classification and machine learning identify distinguishing features associated with disease subtype but are not necessarily clear or...
An Improved Approach for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in a Pseudo-Testcross: Revisiting a Poplar Mapping Study (04/Feb/2010)
A pseudo-testcross pedigree is widely used for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in outcrossing species, but the model for analyzing pseudo-testcross data borrowed from the inbred backcross design can only detect those QTLs that are heterozygous only in one parent. In this study, an intercross model that incorporates the high...
Automated disease surveillance systems are becoming widely used by the public health community. However, communication among non-collocated and widely dispersed users still needs improvement. A web-based software tool for enhancing user communications was completely integrated into an existing automated disease surveillance system and was tested during two simulated exercises and...
Background: Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) is an analytic approach which simultaneously reduces the dimensionality of microarray data and enables ready inference of the biological meaning of observed gene expression patterns. Here we invert the GSEA process to identify class-specific gene signatures. Because our approach uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov approach...
Background: The accurate prognosis for patients with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinomas requires the incorporation of more factors than those included in AJCC TNM system. Methods: We identified 218 patients diagnosed with stage I and II pancreatic adenocarcinoma at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/ Columbia University Medical Center (1999 to 2009). Tumor and clinical...
Bacterial autotransporters represent a diverse family of proteins that autonomously translocate across the inner membrane of Gram-negative bacteria via the Sec complex and across the outer bacterial membrane. They often possess exceptionally long N-terminal signal sequences. We analyzed 90 long signal sequences of bacterial autotransporters and members of the two-partner...
A Novel Approach for Analysis of the Log-Linear Age-Period-Cohort Model: Application to Lung Cancer Incidence (14/Dec/2009)
A simple, computationally efficient procedure for analyses of the time period and birth cohort effects on the distribution of the age-specific incidence rates of cancers is proposed. Assuming that cohort effects for neighboring cohorts are almost equal and using the Log-Linear Age-Period-Cohort Model, this procedure allows one to evaluate temporal...
Melanoma antigen family (MAGE) genes are widely expressed in various tumor types but silent in normal cells except germ-line cells lacking human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression. Over 25 MAGE genes have been identified in different tissues, mostly located in Xq28 of human chromosome and some of them in chromosome 3...
Melanoma antigen family (MAGE) genes are widely expressed in various tumor types but silent in normal cells except germ-line cells lacking human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression. Over 25 MAGE genes have been identified in different tissues, mostly located in Xq28 of human chromosome and some of them in chromosome 3...