Open access articles on the environment. Articles from Environmental Health Insights, Air, Soil and Water Research, International Journal of Insect Science.

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- 28/Jan/2010
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- 22/Jan/2010
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- 05/Jan/2010
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- 07/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Signal Transduction Insights special issue
- 07/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Rehabilitation Process and Outcome special issue
- 07/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Primary Prevention Insights special issue
- 07/Dec/2009
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- 07/Dec/2009
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- Proposals invited for Healthy Aging and Clinical Care in the Elderly special issue
- 07/Dec/2009
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- 07/Dec/2009
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- 07/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Environmental Health Insights special issue
- 04/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Cell and Tissue Transplantation and Therapy special issue
- 04/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights special issue
- 04/Dec/2009
- Proposals invited for Biochemistry Insights special issue
- 04/Dec/2009
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- 04/Dec/2009
Latest articles
- Glycosaminoglycans in Human and Bovine Serum: Detection of Twenty-Four Heparan Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate Motifs Including a Novel Sialic Acid-Modified Chondroitin Sulfate Linkage Hexasaccharide
- Antiplasmodial Activity of Some Medicinal Plants Used in Sudanese Folk-medicine
- A Robust Gene Selection Method for Microarray-based Cancer Classification
- Enzymatic Synthesis and Anti-Allergic Activities of Curcumin Oligosaccharides
- Bimodal Gene Expression and Biomarker Discovery
- Nicolau Syndrome: A Review of the Literature
- Valvular Aortic Stenosis: A Proteomic Insight
- An Improved Approach for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in a Pseudo-Testcross: Revisiting a Poplar Mapping Study
- ETS-FUSions Networking, Triggering and Beyond
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Caused by Assembly Errors
- Quetiapine Induced Acute Dystonia in a Patient with History of Severe Head Injury
- Spectral Domain OCT Documented Resolution of Pseudophakic Cystoid Macular Edema after Intravitreal Triamcinolone
- Liquid Chromatography with Post-Column Reagent Addition of Ammonia in Methanol Coupled to Negative Ion Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Phenoxyacid Herbicides and their Degradation Products in Surface Water
- Local Cell Proliferation Upon Enucleation in Direct Retinal Brain Targets in the Visual System of the Adult Mouse
- Correlation Between Peroxisome Proliferation and Up-Regulation of Cytochrome P450 CYP4A and Peroxisomal Beta-Oxidation Fatty Acyl CoA Oxidases (AOX) in the Koala (Phascolarctos Cinereus)
- Methadone Cardiotoxicity in Pain Management—An Important Issue for Clinicians
- Identification of Chemically Sulfated/desulfated Glycosaminoglycans in Contaminated Heparins and Development of a Simple Assay for the Detection of Most Contaminants in Heparin
- Chronic Pain of the Vulva without Dermatologic Manifestations: Distinguishing Among a Spectrum of Clinical Disorders
- A Pain-free Lancet with a Small Needle for Glucose Measurement
- Assessment of Confounding Factors Affecting the Tumor Markers SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 in Serum
Most read articles
- Relationship Between the Plasma Concentration of C-Reactive Protein and Severity of Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Current Status of Monocyte Differentiation-Inducing (MDI) Factors Derived from Human Fetal Membrane Chorion Cells Undergoing Apoptosis after Influenza Virus Infection
- Intraspecific ITS Variability in the Kingdom Fungi as Expressed in the International Sequence Databases and Its Implications for Molecular Species Identification
- A Simple Derivation of the Distribution of Pairwise Local Protein Sequence Alignment Scores
- DICOM Structured Reporting and Cancer Clinical Trials Results
- Mammoth and Elephant Phylogenetic Relationships: Mammut Americanum, the Missing Outgroup
- Evaluation of Two Outlier-Detection-Based Methods for Detecting Tissue-Selective Genes from Microarray Data
- Systems Biology-Based Identification of Crosstalk between E2F Transcription Factors and the Fanconi Anemia Pathway
- Exploring the Evolutionary History of the Differentially Expressed Genes between Human Populations: Action of Recent Positive Selection
- On the Adaptive Design Rules of Biochemical Networks in Evolution
- Phylogenetic diversity (PD) and biodiversity conservation: some bioinformatics challenges
- Fast Genes and Slow Clades: Comparative Rates of Molecular Evolution in Mammals
- Clinical Presentation and Histologic Findings at Ileocolonoscopy in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Identification and Quantitation of Asparagine and Citrulline Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- In Silico Promoter Analysis can Predict Genes of Functional Relevance in Cell Proliferation: Validation in a Colon Cancer Model
(previous 30 days)Site updates
Air, Soil and Water Research
Determination of status of water quality of a river or any other water sources is highly indeterminate. It is necessary to have a competent model to predict the status of water quality and to advice for type of water treatment for meeting different demands. One such model (UNIQ2007) is developed...
Atmospheric Concentrations of Captan and Folpet in the Lower Fraser Valley Agricultural Region of Canada (19/Jun/2009)
R. Raina1, Wayne Belzer2 and Keith Jones21Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Trace Analysis Facility, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2. 2Aquatic and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Environment Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6C 3S5AbstractTwo N-trihalomethylthio fungicides were detected in the atmosphere in the Lower Fraser...
Guoju Xiao1,2, Qiang Zhang2, Runyuan Wang2, Yubi Yao2, Hong Zhao2, Huzhi Bai2 and Youcai Xiong31Bioengineering Institute of Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 750021, China. 2Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Gansu Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Changes and Disaster Reduction, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730020, China. 3State Key...
Mineral Element Concentrations in Vegetables Cultivated in Acidic Compared to Alkaline Areas of South Sweden (15/Apr/2009)
Ingegerd Rosborg1, Lars Gerhardsson2 and Bengt Nihlgård31Institute of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden. 2Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy University Hospital, SE-425 30 Göteborg, Sweden. 3Department of Plant Ecology and Systematics, Lund University, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden.AbstractA study in 1997, on mineral levels in acidic...
Background Level of Pops in Ground Water Assessed on Chemical and Toxicity Analysis of Exposed Semipermeable Membrane Devices (15/Jan/2009)
Vladimír Kočí1, Tomáš Ocelka2 and Roman Grabic21Department of Environmental Chemistry, ICT Prague, Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic. 2Institute of Public Health Ostrava, National Reference laboratory for POPs, Partyzanske nam. 7, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic.AbstractPersistent compounds are present around almost the entire world. The level of contamination...
Environmental Health Insights
Ten plants indigenous to Sudan and of common use in Sudanese folk-medicine, were examined in vitro for antimalarial activity against schizonts maturation of Plasmodium falciparum, the major human malaria parasite. All plant samples displayed various antiplasmodial activity. Three plant extracts caused 100% inhibition of the parasite growth at concentrations of...
Association between Hardness (Difficulty of Chewing) of the Habitual Diet and Premenstrual Symptoms in Young Japanese Women (18/Jan/2010)
Recent evidence suggests that voluntary rhythmic movements such as chewing may increase blood serotonin and subsequently brain serotonin, which in turn acts to alleviate premenstrual symptoms. In this observational cross-sectional study, we tested the hypothesis that hardness (difficulty of chewing) of the habitual diet (i.e. dietary hardness) is associated with...
One-thousand Illinois elementary teachers received a survey intended to assess the amount and manner in which they included environmental education in the classroom during the 2005 academic year. Over 91% of respondents (n = 234) said that they taught about the environment at least once during the school year, yet...
Bioremediation of Bisphenol A and Benzophenone by Glycosylation with Immobilized Marine Microalga Pavlova sp. (23/Sep/2009)
Cultured cells of Pavlova sp. glycosylated bisphenol A to its mono-glucoside, 2-(4-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyphenyl)-2- hydroxyphenylpropane (9%). Use of immobilized Pavlova cells in sodium alginate gel improved yield of the product (17%). On the other hand, Pavlova cell cultures converted benzophenone into diphenylmethanol (49%) and diphenylmethyl β-D-glucopyranoside (6%). Incubation of benzophenone with immobilized...
Health, Climate Change and Sustainability: A Systematic Review and Thematic Analysis of the Literature (24/Aug/2009)
Background: Evidence of climate change and its impact continues to be accumulated, and it is argued that the consequences of climate change are likely to result in an increased demand on health services. It has been claimed that climate change presents new challenges for health services and that strategies should...
International Journal of Insect Science
Scirpophaga incertulas Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralideae), commonly known as yellow stem borer, is a predominant monophagous pest of rice, which causes 5% to 30% loss of the rice crop. We report for the first time, the cloning and sequence analysis of the amylase gene of this pest. The cloned gene translates...
Takumasa Kondo1 and Michael L. Williams21Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, Corpoica, C.I. Palmira, Valle, Colombia. 2Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, AL 36849-5413, USA.AbstractThree species of Mexican soft scales, Neolecanium leucaenae Cockerell, Toumeyella cerifera Ferris and T. sonorensis Cockerell and Parrott, are redescribed based on the adult females...
Xing P. Hu1 and Wei Ding1,21Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn AL 36849. 2College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, China.AbstractThis study provides empirical evidence that disturbing mound immediately before application, as opposed to label recommendation, did not reduce foraging activity of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis...
Helen Hull-SandersAssistant Professor, Canisius College, 2001 Main St., Buffalo, NY.