Biomarker Insights
Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers all aspects of biomarker research and clinical applications.
Indexing: Pubmed, Pubmed Central, EBSCO Academic Research Complete, Embase, Embiology, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, CAS, DOAJ, OAIster.
Processing time: Decision in 2 weeks for 90% of papers.
Visibility: Most popular article read 1400+ times.
About this journal
Aims and scope:
Biomarker Insights is a peer-reviewed, open-access research journal where those engaged in biomarker research can turn for rapid communication of the latest advances in the application of biomarkers toward the discovery of new knowledge, and toward the clinical translation of that knowledge to increase the efficacy of practicing clinicians. Papers submitted for review in Biomarker Insights should focus on the following areas:
- Biomarkers as tools in decision making
- Regulatory acceptance of biomarkers
- Biomarker development and validation
- Role of collaborations and consortia in biomarker advancement
- The "Economics" Behind Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics
- Toxicity biomarkers, toxicogenomics
- Biomarkers for early efficacy assessment
- Genetic biomarkers; genomic biomarkers
- Protein biomarkers
- Metabolomic biomarkers
- Pathway analysis
- Biomarkers in clinical pharmacology
- Biomarkers for clinical safety assessment
- Clinical pharmacogenomics
- Biomarkers to monitor and predict disease progression and response to therapy
- Clinical validation of biomarkers
- Patient selection
- Biomarkers as surrogate end-points
- Biomarkers as indications for drug therapy
- Biomarker assay development and validation
- Outcome diagnostics
- Cancer diagnostics
- Monitoring response to therapy
- Discovery-to-Diagnostic translation
- Clinical Proteomics: potential of proteomic technologies in diagnostics
- Expression signatures as diagnostic/prognostic tools
- Imaging biomarkers pharmacodiagnostics, companion diagnostics
- Integration of biomarkers into clinical practice guidelines and clinical decision support systems
- Integration of biomarkers into mathematical models and algorithms
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- Pubmed Central
- EBSCO Academic Research Complete
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- Embiology
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- OAIster
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Dendritic Cells Promoted by Ginseng Saponins Drive a Potent Th1 Polarization
Masao Takei1, Eiichi Tachikawa2 and Akemi Umeyama3
1Division of Cellular Allergology, Research Center Borstel, Parkallee 22, D-23845, Germany. 2Department of Pharmacology, Iwate medical University, Uchimaru 19-1, Morioka 020-8505, Japan. 3Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University, Yamashiro-cho, Tokushima 770–8514, Japan.
Dendritic cells (DC) play a pivotal role in the initiation of T-cell-mediated immune responses, making them an attractive cellular adjuvant for use in cancer vaccines. The interaction of T cells with DC is crucial for directing T cell differentiation towards the Th1, Th2 or Th17 type, and several factors determining the direction of the T cell polarization. IL-12 plays a central role in the immune system, not only by augmenting the cytotoxic activity of T cells and NK cells and regulating IFN-γ production, but also by the capacity of IL-12 to promote the development of Th1 cells. Therefore, it is important to identify factors that might affect the differentiation, maturation and function of DC. Ginseng is a medicinal herb widely used in Asian countries, and many of its pharmacological actions are attributed to the ginsenosides. Moreover, T-cadinol and calamenene are sesquterpenes isolated from the heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica being pharmacologically active substances. We investigated whether M1 and M4, end products of steroidal ginseng saponins metabolized in digestive tracts, as well as T-cadinol and calamenene can drive DC maturation from human monocytes in vitro. Human monocytes were cultured with GM-CSF and IL-4 for 6 days under standard conditions, followed by another 2 days in the presence of M1, M4, T-cadinol or calamenene. The expression levels of CD1a, CD80, CD83, CD86 and HLA-DR on M1-primed DC, M4-primed DC, T-cadinol-primed DC and calamenene-primed DC were enhanced with a concomitant decrease in endocytic activity. M1-primed DC, M4-primed DC, T-cadinol-primed DC or calamenene-primed DC enhanced the T cell stimulatory capacity in an allo MLR (allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction). Naïve T cells co-cultured with allogeneic M1-primed DC, M4-primed DC, T-cadinol-primed DC or calamenene-primed DC turned into typical Th1 cells, which produced large quantities of IFN-γ and released small amounts of IL-4 depending on IL-12 secretion. In the CTL assay (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte assay), the production of IFN-γ and 51Cr release on M4-primed DC was more augmented than of immature DC or TNF-α- primed DC. These results suggest that M1, M4, T-cadinol and calamenene appear to be a good factor to induce DC maturation, or even better in some respect, for the use in clinical DC therapy to induce strong Th1 type immune responses.
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