Bioinformatics and Biology Insights
Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers computational biology, particularly computational methods used in the analysis and annotation of structures.
Indexing: Seven major databases. Pubmed indexing for NIH-funded research.
Processing time: Decision in 2 weeks for 90% of papers.
Visibility: Most popular article read 1100+ times.
About this journal
Aims and scope:
Bioinformatics and Biology Insights is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on computational methods used in the analysis and annotation of structures, in addition to other areas of computational biology and the broader field of biology.
It both complements Libertas Academica’s subject-specific journals in the area and also seeks to place bioinformatics in the broader context of biology. The journal welcomes all submissions in the field of bioinformatics and also submissions dealing with the relationship between bioinformatics and the broader field of biology. Submissions of original research, reviews, tutorials, rapid communications, expert commentaries, letters, application notes, and point–counter-point articles are welcomed for peer review. No word limits are imposed, but authors are reminded that excessive word-counts may attract adverse comment by peer reviewers and discourage readers.
The submission of tutorial-type articles is encouraged, in which methods which have been developed in the recent past are reviewed in such a way as to make them readily comprehensible for Biologists. Papers discussing methodologies are discouraged unless they explicitly demonstrate that new biological insights have been gained or that earlier methods used to gain a new insight can be replaced.
Authors are encouraged to consider submitting their manuscripts to Evolutionary Bioinformatics and Cancer Informatics, if they consider that their manuscript is exclusively or specifically relevant to those journals’ audiences.
Editorial standards and procedures:
Submissions, excluding editorials, letters to the editor and dedications, will be peer reviewed by two reviewers. Reviewers are required to provide fair, balanced and constructive reports.
Under our Fairness in Peer Review Policy authors may appeal against reviewers' recommendations which are ill-founded, unobjective or unfair. Appeals are considered by the Editor in Chief or Associate Editor.
Papers are not sent to peer reviewers following submission of a revised manuscript. Editorial decisions on re-submitted papers are based on the author's response to the initial peer review report.
This journal is indexed by the following services:
- Google Scholar
- Embase
- Intute
- OAIster
SPARC Europe Seal award winner:
This journal has been awarded a SPARC Europe Seal. The Seal is an initiative of SPARC Europe (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which is awarded to journals applying a Creative Commons CC-BY copyright license and that make journal metadata accessible to DOAJ.
Amongst other important services DOAJ makes metadata OAI-compliant. This in turn enhances the visibility of papers and allows OAI-harvesters to include the details of journal articles in their services. We encourage readers to make use of this valuable resource. The DOAJ search page is available here.
National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy compliant:
As of April 7 2008, the US NIH Public Access Policy requires that all peer reviewed articles resulting from research carried out with NIH funding be deposited in the Pubmed Central archive.
If you are an NIH employee or grantee Libertas Academica will ensure that you comply with the policy by depositing your paper at Pubmed Central on your behalf.
Call for papers:
Read the Editor in Chief's latest call for papers here.
Submission types accepted:
The Editor in Chief welcomes submissions. Submissions of the following types are invited:
- Original research articles.
- Reviews: comprehensive, authoritative, descriptions of any subject within the journal's scope. They may cover basic science and clinical reviews, ethics, pro/con debates, and equipment reviews.
- Commentaries: focused and opinionated articles on any subject within the journal's scope. These articles are usually related to a contemporary issue.
- Hypotheses: articles that present an original hypothesis backed solely by previously published results rather than any new evidence. They should outline significant progress in thinking that would also be testable.
- Letters to the Editor: these can be either a re-analysis of a previously published article, or a response to such a re-analysis from the authors of the original publication.
- Methodology articles: these discuss a new experimental method, test or procedure. The article must describe a demonstrable advance on what is currently available. The method needs to have been well tested and ideally, but not necessarily, used in a way that proves its value. Papers discussing methodologies are discouraged unless they explicitly demonstrate that new biological insights have been gained or that earlier methods used to gain a new insight can be replaced.
- Short reports: brief reports of data from original research.
- Meeting reports: a report pertaining to activity at a meeting or conference Articles published in this journal are immediately available without delay upon publication and enjoy substantial visibility.
- The submission of tutorial-type articles is encouraged, in which methods which have been developed in the recent past are reviewed in such a way as to make them readily comprehensible for Biologists.
All submissions are subject to prompt, objective and fair peer review in compliance with our Fairness in Peer Review Policy. Copyright in published articles remains with the author(s). Authors are continually informed of the progress of their paper and our staff are friendly and responsive.
One author recently wrote: "I would like to say that this is the most author-friendly editing process I have experienced in over 150 publications. Thank you most sincerely."
Criteria for publication:
Publication is dependent on peer reviewers' judgement of papers. Reviewers are asked to provide thoughtful and unbiased feedback to authors to ensure that the conclusions of papers are valid and manuscripts achieve reasonable standards of scholarliness and intelligibility.
Previous work in the field must be acknowledged and papers should read without unreasonable difficulty. Papers should fit comfortably within the scope of the journal.
Reviewers are asked to act in a fair, objective and constructive manner which maintains quality standards and helps authors to communicate their research. They are instructed that in areas of genuinely novel research issues may be raised which cannot immediately be resolved and that absolutely rigorous validation of data may therefore not be possible.
More information on the role of peer reviewers is available on the information for reviewers page. Where authors consider that reviewers have made recommendations which are unreasonable, unobjective or ill-founded they may appeal them to the Editor in Chief or Associate Editor under our Fairness in Peer Review Policy.
Articles submitted to other journals:
We are willing to consider papers which have been peer reviewed by other journals but not accepted for publication.
Services for authors:
Prior to peer review of your paper we can:
- Have your paper's reference style revised to meet our requirements,
- Have your paper's English revised by specialist English-speaking technical editors.
After peer review of your paper we can:
- Have your paper revised in accordance with peer reviewer's recommendations and have a summary of responses to the reviewers created by our specialist external substantive editors,
- Provide bound reprints of your article in colour or black and white ,
- Provide online-early rapid publication if your paper prior to typesetting.
What other authors have said:
Libertas Academica actively requests, receives and acts upon feedback from authors, readers and editorial boards. Here's what some recent authors have said about us:
"Within a couple of days the reviewers had been procured and the manuscript was out."
"The communication between your staff and me has been terrific. Whenever progress is made with the manuscript, I receive notice. Quite honestly, I've never had such complete communication with a journal."
"LA is different, and hopefully represents a kind of scientific publication machinery that removes the hurdles from free flow of scientific thought."
Article processing fees:
All submissions to this journal are subject to an article processing fee if they are accepted for publication. Article processing fees are used to fund the processing of your paper and development of the journal. Article processing fees are the only compulsory charge you will face and do not vary according to word count, page count, colour figures or any other factor. There is no additional charge for the author(s) to make any use of their article and no charge to readers to access it.
Full fee waivers are available for authors working in undeveloped nations and partial discounts of 20-50% are available to authors in other nations. Authors must be able to verifiably demonstrate their suitability for a discount or waiver. Availability of waivers and discounts is subject to monthly availability and is given at the publisher's discretion. Waivers and discounts must be applied for prior to submission. Neither are available after submission.
Register as a peer reviewer:
Do you wish to register as a peer reviewer? Or are you already a registered peer reviewer but you need to update your contact details? To register or update your details visit the peer reviewer registration form.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate at least five years of continuous experience in the journal's subject area including at least two in the previous 24 months.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 32, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Read an interview with author Dr Wei Jiang
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 31, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Read the Editor in Chief's latest call for papers here.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 23, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
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Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 9, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 7, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Peer reviewers are sought. Click here to apply or to update your details
This journal has been accepted for indexing by Elsevier's highly regarded SCOPUS index

affyPara - a Bioconductor Package for Parallelized Preprocessing Algorithms of Affymetrix Microarray Data
Markus Schmidberger, Esmeralda Vicedo and Ulrich Mansmann
Division of Biometrics and Bioinformatics, IBE, University of Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany.
Microarray data repositories as well as large clinical applications of gene expression allow to analyse several hundreds of microarrays at one time. The preprocessing of large amounts of microarrays is still a challenge. The algorithms are limited by the available computer hardware. For example, building classification or prognostic rules from large microarray sets will be very time consuming. Here, preprocessing has to be a part of the cross-validation and resampling strategy which is necessary to estimate the rule’s prediction quality honestly. This paper proposes the new Bioconductor package affyPara for parallelized preprocessing of Affymetrix microarray data. Partition of data can be applied on arrays and parallelization of algorithms is a straightforward consequence. The partition of data and distribution to several nodes solves the main memory problems and accelerates preprocessing by up to the factor 20 for 200 or more arrays. affyPara is a free and open source package, under GPL license, available form the Bioconductor project at A user guide and examples are provided with the package.
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- affyPara - a Bioconductor Package for Parallelized Preprocessing Algorithms of Affymetrix Microarray Data
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- A Comprehensive Analysis of Gene Expression Evolution Between Humans and Mice
- Introductory Editorial (Advances in Tumor Virology)

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