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Editor in Chief: Karen Pulford

Indexing & Databases: Pubmed, Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO Academic Search International, EMBase, EMBiology, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Health Reference Centre, Gale InfoTrac Custom Journals, Illustrata-Natural Science, ProQuest Biological Sciences, ProQuest Natural Sciences, ProQuest SciTech, Pubmed Central, SCOPUS

Journal Directories: EBSCO A-Z, HINARI

Processing Speed: Blind peer review by minimum of two expert reviewers and independent editorial decision within three to four weeks. Publication within average four weeks following acceptance.

ISSN: 1177-2719

H Index: 12 more info

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From “Directed Differentiation” to “Neuronal Induction”: Modeling Neuropsychiatric Disease (Published on 27 Apr 2015)

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MicroRNA-Seq Data Analysis Pipeline to Identify Blood Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease from Public Data (Published on 15 Apr 2015)

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Gene Delivery Strategies to Promote Spinal Cord Repair (Published on 09 Apr 2015)

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The Roles of Neuregulin-1 in Cardiac Development, Homeostasis, and Disease (Published on 08 Apr 2015)

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Perchlorate Exposure is Associated with Oxidative Stress and Indicators of Serum Iron Homeostasis Among NHANES 2005–2008 Subjects (Published on 28 Jan 2015)

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Prednisolone-Induced Predisposition to Femoral Head Separation and the Accompanying Plasma Protein Changes in Chickens (Published on 14 Jan 2015)

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Risk Factors Associated with Serum Levels of the Inflammatory Biomarker Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor in a General Population (Published on 16 Dec 2014)

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Decreased Mitogen Inducible Gene 6 (MIG-6) Associated with Symptom Severity in Children with Autism (Published on 06 Oct 2014)

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Increased Expression of Phosphorylated FADD in Anaplastic Large Cell and Other T-Cell Lymphomas (Published on 03 Sep 2014)

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Identification of Gene Signatures Used to Recognize Biological Characteristics of Gastric Cancer Upon Gene Expression Data (Published on 14 Aug 2014)

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Hydroxyproline, a Serum Biomarker Candidate for Gastric Ulcer in Rats: A Comparison Study of Metabolic Analysis of Gastric Ulcer Models Induced by Ethanol, Stress, and Aspirin (Published on 27 Jul 2014)

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DNA Methylation at the Novel CpG Sites in the Promoter of MED15/PCQAP Gene as a Biomarker for Head and Neck Cancers (Published on 03 Jul 2014)

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Integrative Genomic Analysis for the Discovery of Biomarkers in Prostate Cancer (Published on 29 Jun 2014)

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Folate Receptor Alpha, Mesothelin and Megakaryocyte Potentiating Factor as Potential Serum Markers of Chronic Kidney Disease (Published on 25 May 2014)

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HLA-DRB1*08:02 Is Associated with Bucillamine-Induced Proteinuria in Japanese Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients (Published on 19 May 2014)

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Prognostic Value of DNA and mRNA E6/E7 of Human Papillomavirus in the Evolution of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 2 (Published on 13 Apr 2014)

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The Range of Uncertainty: a Tool for Efficiently Addressing Result Variability Around Clinical Decision Points for Hepatitis C Response-Guided Therapy (Published on 09 Apr 2014)

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Comment on "Validation of a Blood-Based Laboratory Test to Aid in the Confirmation of a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia" (Published on 23 Mar 2014)

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Utility of C-terminal Telopeptide in Evaluating Levothyroxine Replacement Therapy-Induced Bone Loss (Published on 03 Mar 2014)

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Quantification of Plasma miRNAs by Digital PCR for Cancer Diagnosis (Published on 14 Nov 2013)

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Perspectives on the Value of Biomarkers in Acute Cardiac Care and Implications for Strategic Management (Published on 03 Sep 2013)

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Decreased Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) and Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) in Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (Published on 18 Aug 2013)

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Markers that can Reflect Asthmatic Activity before and after Reduction of Inhaled Corticosteroids: A Pilot Study (Published on 04 Aug 2013)

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Identification of Potential Prognostic Markers for Knee Osteoarthritis by Serum Proteomic Analysis (Published on 29 Jul 2013)

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CIINE Reflects Collagenase-Specific CII Breakdown in Cartilage Explant and Whole Body of Canine (Published on 16 Jun 2013)

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Correlation Between Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Plasma Levels in Autistic Children (Published on 12 Jun 2013)

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Biomarkers of Dose and Effect of Inhaled Ozone in Resting versus Exercising Human Subjects: Comparison with Resting Rats (Published on 19 May 2013)

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Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage Induced by Chromium in Liver and Kidney of Goldfish, Carassius auratus (Published on 25 Apr 2013)

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Decreased Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Associated with HMGB1 and Increased Hyperactivity in Children with Autism (Published on 04 Apr 2013)

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Quantitative Appraisal of Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Neuropathologically Diagnosed Parkinson's Disease Cases Lacking Alzheimer's Disease Pathology (Published on 12 Mar 2013)

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A Further Study of the Role of Copper in Regard to the Antimutagenic Action of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin (SCC) in Somatic Cells of Drosophila melanogaster (Published on 12 Mar 2013)

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Urine Biomarkers Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1) have Different Patterns in Heart Failure Exacerbation (Published on 11 Mar 2013)

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Personalized Medicine in Screening for Malignant Disease: A Review of Methods and Applications (Published on 18 Feb 2013)

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Lipid Profile of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and its Correlation with Systemic Inflammation (Published on 24 Jan 2013)

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Circulating Levels of a Collagen Type V Propeptide Fragment in a Carbon Tetrachloride Reversible Model of Liver Fibrosis (Published on 17 Dec 2012)

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Variants in the Signaling Protein TSAd are Associated with Susceptibility to Ovarian Cancer in BRCA1/2 Negative High Risk Families (Published on 12 Dec 2012)

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Associations of Circulating Inflammatory Biomarkers with Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer in Colorectal Adenoma Patients (Published on 05 Nov 2012)

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Knowledge Building Insights on Biomarkers of Arsenic Toxicity to Keratinocytes and Melanocytes (Published on 15 Oct 2012)

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Serological Investigation of the Collagen Degradation Profile of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (Published on 13 Sep 2012)

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Molecular Serum Markers of Liver Fibrosis (Published on 23 Jul 2012)

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Biomarkers of Disease and Treatment in Murine and Cynomolgus Models of Chronic Asthma (Published on 10 Jul 2012)

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Circulating Immune Complex Levels are Associated with Disease Severity and Seasonality in Children with Malaria from Mali (Published on 03 Jul 2012)

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Characterization of Antibodies that Detect Human GFAP after Traumatic Brain Injury (Published on 25 Jun 2012)

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Prognosis of Treatment Response (Pathological Complete Response) in Breast Cancer (Published on 08 May 2012)

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Novel Cardiac-Specific Biomarkers and the Cardiovascular Continuum (Published on 02 May 2012)

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The Prognostic Value of suPAR Compared to Other Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Severe Sepsis (Published on 10 Apr 2012)

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Increased Levels of Circulating and Tissue mRNAs of Oct-4, Sox-2, Bmi-1 and Nanog is ESCC Patients: Potential Tool for Minimally Invasive Cancer Diagnosis (Published on 26 Mar 2012)

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Evaluation of Ischemia-Modified Albumin and C-Reactive Protein in Type 2 Diabetics With and Without Ketosis (Published on 14 Mar 2012)

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Detection of 1p19q Deletion by Real-Time Comparative Quantitative PCR (Published on 01 Feb 2012)

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Overcoming the Effects of Matrix Interference in the Measurement of Urine Protein Analytes (Published on 01 Feb 2012)

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I have had a great experience with submitting my cancer prognosis study to Biomarker Insights. The comments from reviewers and associate editor are high quality and insightful. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Dr Yi Hong Zhou (University of California, Irvine, CA, USA)
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