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Human Parasitic Diseases

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Editor in Chief: Ashley Croft

Aims & Scope: Human Parasitic Diseases is an open access, peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of parasitic... more

Indexing & Databases: Chinese Electronic Periodical Service, EBSCO CINAHL Complete, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Health Reference Centre, Gale InfoTrac Custom Journals, Illustrata-Natural Science, Index Copernicus, OAlster, ProQuest Biological Sciences, ProQuest Environmental Sciences, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete, ProQuest Natural Sciences, Socolar

Journal Directories: Academic Journals Database, EBSCO A-Z, HINARI, JournalSeek, JournalTOCs, OAJSE, Pubshub, Scirus, Ulrich's Periodicals

Processing Speed: Editorial decision less than 3 weeks, publication in average 3 weeks after acceptance

ISSN: 1179-5700

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My experience publishing in Human Parasitic Diseases was very positive.  I was very satisfied with the rapid and high-quality review process and the constructive feedback.  The comments from the reviewers allowed me to improve the paper significantly.  I highly recommend that other researchers publish their papers in Libertas Academia Journals.
Dr. Pedro Magalhães (Faculty of Medicine, Agostinho Neto University, Luanda, Angola)
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