
Standards of Reporting

On this page → Describing New TaxaSoftwareTrial Registration

Libertas supports initatives aimed at improving reporting of biomedical research.  We encourage authors to refer to the EQUATOR network website for information on the available reporting guidelines for health research and the MIBBI Portal for reporting checklists.  Authors are requested to make use of these when drafting their manuscript.  

Standardized gene nomenclature should be used.  Human gene symbols and names can be found at the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database and any enquiries, or requests for new gene symbols, should be directed there.  Committees for other species are listed here.  For mutation nomenclature use the guidelines suggested by the Human Genome Variation Society.

To maximize re-use and utility of published research we expect authors to comply with available field-specific standards for the preparation and recording of data.  Refer to the BioSharing website for information on field-specific data standards.

Algal, fungal, and botanical names

From January 2012 electronic publication of algal, fungal, and botanical names is a valid form of publication.  Manuscripts containing new taxon names or other nomenclature acts must follow guidelines set by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.  Authors describing new fngal taxa should register the names with a recognized repository such as Mycobank, and request a unique digital identifier which should be included in the published article.

Zoological names

From January 2012 electronic publication of zoological names is a valid form of publication if certain conditions are met.  Manuscripts must follow guidelines set by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.  The new taxon name and the article it is published in should be registered in ZooBank.  The ZooBank unique identifier should be included in the published article.

Any software application, database, or other tool should be available for anonymous testing by reviewers.  It should be available through a website or be included with the manuscript as an additional tool.

Libertas supports initiatives to improve reporting of clinical trials.  This includes prospective registering of clinical trials in publicly available databases.  In accordance with ICMJE guidelines we require registration of all clinical trials that are reported in manuscripts.  Suitable registries are listed on the ICMJE website.

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My recent paper in Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics was the third I have published in a Libertas Academica journal.  Again, I was very pleased by the remarkable speed of publication. It took less than seven weeks from submission of the first manuscript version and two weeks from submission of the revision to the appearance of the final article.  When I had unforeseen problems with the transmission of proof corrections because of some software incompatibilities the ...
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