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Change Detection & Characterization: a New Tool for Imaging Informatics and Cancer Research

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Publication Date: 12 May 2007

Journal: Cancer Informatics

Citation: Cancer Informatics 2007:4 1-11

Julia W. Patriarche and Bradley J. Erickson

Abstract: Modern imaging systems are able to produce a rich and diverse array of information, regarding various facets of anatomy and function. The quantity of information produced by these systems is so bountiful, however, as to have the potential to become a hindrance to clinical assessment. In the context of serial image evaluation, computer-based change detection and characterization is one important mechanism to process the information produced by imaging systems, so as to reduce the quantity of data, direct the attention of the physician to regions of the data which are the most informative for their purposes, and present the data in the form in which it will be the most useful. Change detection and characterization algorithms may serve as a basis for the creation of an objective defi nition of progression, which will reduce inter and intraobserver variability, and facilitate earlier detection of disease and recurrence, which in turn may lead to improved outcomes. Decreased observer variability combined with increased acuity should make it easier to discover promising therapies. Quantitative measures of the response to these therapies should provide a means to compare the effectiveness of treatments under investigation. Change detection may be applicable to a broad range of cancers, in essentially all anatomical regions. The source of information upon which change detection comparisons may be based is likewise broad. Validation of algorithms for the longitudinal assessment of cancer patients is expected to be challenging, though not insurmountable, as the many facets of the problem mean that validation will likely need to be approached from a variety of vantage points. Change detection and characterization is quickly becoming a very active fi eld of investigation, and it is expected that this burgeoning field will help to facilitate cancer care both in the clinic and research.




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