Dear colleague,
As Editor in Chief I thank you for your interest in Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics, an international, peer reviewed open access journal focussing on all aspects of therapeutics.
As Editor in Chief I work closely with the publisher, Libertas, to deliver what I consider to be amongst the best scholarly publishing available from any journal:
Fast constructive peer review
Professional author service
Indexing by prestigious indexes including CINAHL Complete
High readership and impact
You will receive a comprehensive and fair peer review within just three weeks from submission. We have achieved this exceptional efficiency by providing peer reviewers with a simple interface and clear instructions, allowing them to perform their work in less time. Our instructions to peer reviewers require them to provide a fair, balanced and constructive assessment. Libertas staff will provide you with frequent updates on your submission by email or through your My LA user account. The journal office is organised so that through-out the entire process you will work with just two staff members who will provide prompt, constructive responses to your enquiries. You can even chat live with the staff on their instant chat service.
Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics is designed to provide high visibility to your paper. The Article Views figure above shows the total quantity of views of journal articles. To maximise your paper’s visibility the publisher works intensively on search engine optimisation and your article will be announced on Twitter, RSS, LinkedIn and email newsletters. The journal is extensively indexed, including CINAHL Complete, and the publisher adds the journal to new indexes as it becomes eligible.
When your submission is received it will be subject to an initial assessment to ensure it is ready for peer review. After peer review is completed an editorial decision will be made on its suitability for publication on the basis of two peer review reports. Following final acceptance Libertas’ efficient and user-friendly interface will guide you through the production process. Your paper will be published as soon as it is ready. If you need it, copy editing, figure creation and provisional PDF publication is available.
Submit your paper whenever you wish. The submission process takes less than two minutes and processing will commence on the same day. Click here to commence the submission process now.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Garry Walsh
Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics
It is an absolute pleasure serving as a peer reviewer for Libertas Academia. The review process was efficient and easy to navigate. I am looking forward to peer review additional articles in the future.Dr Samuel S. Grossman PharmD, CDE (New York Harbor Health Care System, New York, NY, USA) What our authors say
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