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85,610 Journal Article Views | Journal Analytics

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Microbiology Insights Analytics

Total Journal Article Views Views Downloads Totals
PubMed 3,536 1,498 5,034
Libertas   80,576 80,576
Totals 3,536 82,074 85,610
Most Read Article:
New Strains of Streptomyces as Producers of Biofungicides and Biological Stimulators for Protection of the Shoots and Seedlings of Tiang-Shang Spruce Fir (Picea Schrenkiana)
Totals 15,354 1,352 16,706
From September 1, 2008 to April 29, 2015
About Journal Metrics

This service is in beta and may be incomplete or contain minor discrepancies.  We welcome feedback from users.  To tell us what you think visit the survey form.

Journal metrics are simple aggregations of metrics for articles published in this journal.  Metrics are calculated from a variety of sources.  These sources and their known limitations are summarised here.

Total journal views and downloads by month are derived from internal data and usually also Pubmed Central data.  Internal data is recorded in accordance with Project COUNTER Release 3, which is used by many publishers to ensure that visibility data is credible and reliable for readers.  It excludes automated search engine and archiving visits or downloads and rapid sequences of views or downloads to prevent accidental or intentional manipulation of data.  

Prior to September 2008 COUNTER data was not collected and prior to January 2011 views and downloads were not recorded separately.  Views by region are also derived from COUNTER data and because data on geographical region is not always available discrepancies may exist between quantities shown on the map and the table.

Pubmed Central data is only shown where the journal is present on PMC and articles' PMC identifying numbers are recorded in our database.  Owing to PMC limitations data is updated once monthly and is not available prior to September 2010.  

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What Your Colleagues Say About Microbiology Insights
Contributing an invited review was a pleasant experience with Libertas. We are grateful for such a solid platform and their belief in young talented scientists and their research. Overall, it was a wonderful and simplified process from submission to publication of the article with regular updates at each step from various staff members. Each person was extremely efficient and very professional during manuscript processing.
Dr Hameeda Sultana (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA)
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