

Microbiology Insights

New Strains of Streptomyces as Producers of Biofungicides and Biological Stimulators for Protection of the Shoots and Seedlings of Tiang-Shang Spruce Fir (Picea Schrenkiana)

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Microbiology Insights 2009:2 1-13

Published on 03 Oct 2008

Further metadata provided in PDF

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During this work we detected 5 species of pathogenic fungi that damage seedlings and saplings of the Tiang-Shang spruce fir, which cause a perceptible damage to the coniferous nurseries of Northern Kyrgyzstan and require activities to protect the woods. The biological activity of Streptomyces metabolites for raising the resistance of seedlings to phytopathogenic fungi was tested in laboratory and field conditions during three seasons. In order to evaluate the biological activity of Streptomyces preparations as biological agents, we have soaked the seeds in the suspension of Streptomyces metabolites with the concentrations of 50, 100, 500 mg per liter. In other variant, the seeds were at first processed in the culture of pathogenic fungi as infectious drowning of sprouts (Fusarium, Alternaria), crown rot of sprouts (Sclerotinia graminearum Elen.) and grey dew of needles (Hypodermella sulsigena Tub.), then they were treated in the suspension of Streptomyces. Also we have used a spraying treatment with the suspension of Streptomyces metabolites of the one-year-old seedlings of Tiang-Shang spruce fir already staggered and dying from infectious drowning. The best results against the Alternaria culture were demonstrated by the use of preparation S. griseogromogenes 2ч-8 at the concentration of 500 mgs per liter, which provided the safety of sprouts to 80.2%. Preparations of S. rubrogriseus ТК2-5, S. wistariopsis СП3-13 and S. griseogromogenes 2ч-8 were effective in protection of sprouts from Fusarium sp. cultures. They provided safety of sprouts to 80% on average.




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