Editor in Chief: William C S Cho
Indexing & Databases: Pubmed, Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO Academic Search International, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Health Reference Centre, Gale InfoTrac Custom Journals, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete, Pubmed Central, SCOPUS
Journal Directories: EBSCO A-Z, HINARI
Processing Speed: Blind peer review by minimum of two expert reviewers and independent editorial decision within three to four weeks. Publication within average four weeks following acceptance.
ISSN: 1179-5549
H Index: 8 more info
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Publishing in “Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology” was one of my best experience so far in an academic context. I found the process of going through submission, review, editing, and publication to be quite easy and most importantly, fair and efficient. I congratulate the team at Libertas Academica for a very well managed journal.
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