Journal metrics
Journal metrics data is obained from the SCImago Journal and Country Rank service based on data from Scopus. The SJR indicator measures the scientific influence of an average article in the journal. The cites per document indicator measures the scientific impact of an average article published in the journal. Although the cites per document indicator is calculated with the same formula as the journal impact factor it should not be considered to be a substitute for an official Thomson-ISI impact factor. This journal does not yet have an official impact factor. Additional data and further information on this data is available from SCImago.
Article usage metrics
Article metrics are available for all articles within approximately 72 hours following publication. Article metrics are based on data collected on the journal's website and where applicable also from Pubmed Central. Metrics include HTML and PDF views, views per month, and views per geographical region. To view this data go to the article's abstract and select the Article Metrics tab.
It is an honor that my manuscript was accepted by the Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology. The comments from reviewers were professional, the emails from the editor were friendly, and the procedure was very quick. I will submit further manuscripts to Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology in the near future.
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