Publication Date: 09 Dec 2014
Type: Review
Journal: Cancer Informatics
Citation: Cancer Informatics 2014:Suppl. 7 27-33
doi: 10.4137/CIN.S16349
In genome-wide association studies (GWAS), regression analysis has been most commonly used to establish an association between a phenotype and genetic variants, such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). However, most applications of regression analysis have been restricted to the investigation of single marker because of the large computational burden. Thus, there have been limited applications of regression analysis to multiple SNPs, including gene–gene interaction (GGI) in large-scale GWAS data. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose CARAT-GxG, a GPU computing system-oriented toolkit, for performing regression analysis with GGI using CUDA (compute unified device architecture). Compared to other methods, CARAT-GxG achieved almost 700-fold execution speed and delivered highly reliable results through our GPU-specific optimization techniques. In addition, it was possible to achieve almost-linear speed acceleration with the application of a GPU computing system, which is implemented by the TORQUE Resource Manager. We expect that CARAT-GxG will enable large-scale regression analysis with GGI for GWAS data.
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Compared with other journals we considered for publishing, Cancer Informatics provided extremely rapid but quality turnaround from draft submission to a flawlessly typeset final publication. Moreover, sharing the article is now as easy as sharing a link with no subscriptions required, and additional code and data files are equally accessible, supporting reproducible research. Because it has published many of our references we feel confident that our target readership must follow the journal. This is further ...
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