Clinical Medicine: Case Reports
Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers case reports in all areas of clinical medicine.
Indexing: 4 major databases. Pubmed indexing for NIH-funded research.
Processing time: Decision in 2 weeks for 90% of papers.
Visibility: Most popular article read 900+ times.
About this journal
Aims and scope:
Clinical Medicine: Case Reports is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal which considers case reports in all areas of clinical medicine which advance general medical knowledge.
Editorial standards and procedures:
Submissions, excluding editorials, letters to the editor and dedications, will be peer reviewed by two reviewers. Reviewers are required to provide fair, balanced and constructive reports.
Under our Fairness in Peer Review Policy authors may appeal against reviewers' recommendations which are ill-founded, unobjective or unfair. Appeals are considered by the Editor in Chief or Associate Editor.
Papers are not sent to peer reviewers following submission of a revised manuscript. Editorial decisions on re-submitted papers are based on the author's response to the initial peer review report.
This journal is indexed by:
- Scopus
- EMBase
- OAIster
SPARC Europe Seal award winner:
This journal has been awarded a SPARC Europe Seal. The Seal is an initiative of SPARC Europe (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which is awarded to journals applying a Creative Commons CC-BY copyright license and that make journal metadata accessible to DOAJ.
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Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 29, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Read the Editor in Chief's latest call for papers here.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 27, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
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Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 17, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 16, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 13, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
Journal newsletter sent to subscribers in week 8, 2009. Register to receive future newsletters.
New call for papers sent to newsletter subscribers in week 7 2009. Readers who wish to be elligible to receive CFPs should subscribe to the newsletter.
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Clinical Medicine: Case Reports has been accepted for indexing in SCOPUS and EMBase

The Management of a Patient with a Cervical Disc Herniation: A Case Report
Sherry Tsao and Peter Pidcoe
Department of Physical Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University—Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA 23298.
Purpose: To present the management of a patient with a cervical disc herniation and illustrate the efficacy of cervical traction as a main form of treatment for cervical disc herniation in conjunction with a home exercise program.
Background: A 71-year-old white female diagnosed with cervical disc herniation at the levels of C5-6 and C6-7 presented to physical therapy with neck pain radiating into the left upper extremity down to the 5th digit of the left hand.
Treatment: The patient reported to outpatient physical therapy for cervical disc herniation and radiculopathy. After initial evaluation she received intermittent cervical traction and was given a home exercise program consisting of cervical lateral flexion stretch, unilateral wall stretch for pectoralis muscles and to continue with her over the door cervical traction.
Conclusion: Cervical traction and a good home exercise program have been shown to reduce cervical disc herniation and its subsequent symptoms.
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- Rehabilitation following Surgery for Reconstruction of a Foot Defect
- Non-Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia with Clostridium Ramosum Bacteremia

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