

Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development

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Editor in Chief

Steven R. Myers

Dr Steven R. Myers, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., holds appointments at the University of Louisville (Louisville, KY USA) in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology as Associate Chair for Professional Education, Co-Director of the Center for Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and as an Associate Professor in Pediatrics.  He is also a Visiting Professor of Pharmacology in the American University of the Caribbean’s School of Medicine.  Dr. Myers obtained his PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) and performed postdoctoral work in Biochemistry at the University of Chicago.

Dr Myers is the author or co-author of over 140 peer reviewed scholarly articles and more than 60 other publications.  He has contributed numerous invited presentations around the world and as a principal investigator is associated with more than 30 research grants.  His primary area of research is in environmental toxicology and biomarker development.

Dr Myers serves as active member of the Educational Policy Committee, Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, and Medical Admissions Committee of the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Dr. Myers is actively involved in curriculum management both at the undergraduate level at the University of Louisville as well as in the Medical School. He serves as course director for 6 courses related to undergraduate and graduate medical education, including Medical, Dental, Geriatric, and Neonatal Pharmacology. Dr. Myers is an active member of the American Association for Medical Colleges (AAMC) group on Medical Education, International Association for Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), and the International Association for Medical Education (AAME).

The Role of the Editor in Chief

The editor in chief is responsible for editorial decision-making on papers submitted to the journal.  The editor in chief is also responsible for editorial matters that include but are not limited to journal supplements, the journal's aims and scope, the editorial board and volunteer peer reviewer pool, editorial assessment of video abstracts, assignment to published papers of endorsements, and for consulting on pre-submission inquiries from authors.

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My experience in publishing in the Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development was really amazing. The editors were very helpful and their prompt replies made the process easier and faster. Peer reviewers were of high standards, and their remarks were very objective.
Dr Emad Nosair (University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
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