
Professional Integrity in Scholarly Publishing

Posted Thu, Jul, 17,2014

Libertas recognizes the importance of our role in the scholarly communication process.  This is manifested by how we address important ethical matters relating to matters such as authorship.  When he raised a concern with us Dr Selim Mustafa (East Carolina University) was satisfied with how the matter was addressed:“I am highly impressed with the professional integrity, efficiency,...

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Dr Greg Kearney (East Carolina University) on publishing in Environmental Health Insights

Posted Mon, Jul, 07,2014

We asked Dr Kearney about his experience publishing in Environmental Health Insights.  Here’s what he told us:“My experience in publishing with Environmental Health Insights was positive from the beginning of the initial manuscript submittal, to the published product. The peer reviewers provided helpful suggestions, while the editorial  and production staff kept me fully info...

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What We Get Asked Here at Libertas

Posted Tue, Jun, 17,2014

Customer satisfaction is something that we take very seriously at Libertas. One of our areas of focus is ensuring that all queries are answered quickly and efficiently. Below is a summary of a few frequently asked questions:Do you charge article processing fees?Because the majority of our journals are open access we charge article processing fees. These vary depending on journal. However we do not...

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78% of Authors Rate their Interactions with Editors in Chief as Very Good

Posted Tue, Jun, 10,2014

We survey all authors after their articles are published in our journals.  We ask them to rate various aspects of their experience to ensure that we're meeting our commitments to them.  Our research shows that:78% of authors surveyed rated the quality of their interactions with editors in chiefs and associate editors as very good. 22% of authors rated the quality of their interaction...

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No Additional Fees for Supplementary Files

Posted Thu, Jun, 05,2014

At Libertas we are aware that  it is important to make your article stand out from the masses. We are here to help by offering you hosting of supplementary files at no extra fee. Visual aids are essential in helping readers determine the relevance of an article. Visual aids allow authors to quickly and accurately convey information. We impose no additional fees or restrictions on:Supplementar...

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Posted in: Libertas Services

Libertas Offers Author Loyalty Discounts

Posted Tue, May, 27,2014

Have you published a paper with us in the last year?As a valued author, Libertas offers all authors who have published a manuscript in the last 365 days a 20% discount on every paper you submit within the next year.Simply register your paper before you submit it, receive an email accepting your registration, and receive Author Loyalty Discount benefits of:20% discount on the standard article proce...

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Posted in: Libertas Services

What Your Colleagues Say About Libertas Academica
The submission, review and publication of my manuscript was speedy and fair. Appropriate suggestions were made and incorporated which enhanced the quality of the paper.
Dr A G G Turpie (Hamilton, Canada)
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