
Dr Messer discusses language changes during aging

Posted Thu, Mar, 19,2015

This author interview is by Dr Rachel Messer, of Oklahoma State University. Dr Messer's full paper, Pragmatic language changes during normal aging: Implications for health care and quality of life, is available for download in Healthy Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly.Please summarise for readers the content of your article.The article discusses some proposed mechanisms behind language...

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Public Science Insights: Language changes during aging

Posted Tue, Mar, 10,2015

Adults aged 60 and older are one of the largest growing populations in the world, and will double in number by 2050. During aging, individuals experience both physical and mental changes, with patterns of age-related changes varying by person. Common changes that older adults report are cognitive symptoms such as increased memory difficulties, and physical symptoms related to increasing age-relate...

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Four Journals Now Indexed in DOAJ Database

Posted Wed, Nov, 05,2014

We have recently had a number of our journals now indexed in the popular DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database.The journals have passed through an extensive evaluation process prior to approval. DOAJ has thoroughly evaluated the journal's editorial and production processes and has confirmed that the journal is compliant with an extensive list of criteria.The journals indexed with...

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Benefits for Peer Reviewers

Posted Tue, Jun, 24,2014

All submitted manuscripts to Libertas are subject to peer review by two to three peer reviewers per manuscript.  These reviews go toward the peer review report completed by the editor in chief or associate editor. Because of our extensive peer review practice, and because of natural growth in the quantity of submissions received, we now seek new volunteer peer reviewers.  Being a peer re...

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What We Get Asked Here at Libertas

Posted Tue, Jun, 17,2014

Customer satisfaction is something that we take very seriously at Libertas. One of our areas of focus is ensuring that all queries are answered quickly and efficiently. Below is a summary of a few frequently asked questions:Do you charge article processing fees?Because the majority of our journals are open access we charge article processing fees. These vary depending on journal. However we do not...

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78% of Authors Rate their Interactions with Editors in Chief as Very Good

Posted Tue, Jun, 10,2014

We survey all authors after their articles are published in our journals.  We ask them to rate various aspects of their experience to ensure that we're meeting our commitments to them.  Our research shows that:78% of authors surveyed rated the quality of their interactions with editors in chiefs and associate editors as very good. 22% of authors rated the quality of their interaction...

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Publishing with Libertas Academia was a positive experience.  The reviewers provided well thought out and prompt feedback which contributed to the quality of the final product.  In addition, editing went quickly and smoothly.  All correspondence was met by quick responses.   I was impressed by the overall simplicity of the entire process.
Dr Stacy Peters (SDSU College of Pharmacy, Brookings, SD, USA)
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