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Ask Editor in ChiefEditor in Chief: Timothy Kelley
Indexing & Databases: Pubmed, DOAJ, EBSCO Environment Complete, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Health Reference Centre, Gale InfoTrac Custom Journals, Gale Resource on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Illustrata-Natural Science, Illustrata-Technology, ProQuest Engineering, ProQuest Environmental Sciences, ProQuest Natural Sciences, ProQuest SciTech, ProQuest Technology, Pubmed Central
Journal Directories: EBSCO A-Z, HINARI
Processing Speed: High quality, constructive peer review and rapid editorial decision within an average of four weeks.
ISSN: 1178-6302
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As a peer reviewer for Environmental Health Insights, I have had the opportunity to read several very important research articles in my field. Based on my experience, the submission process, review standards, and publication expectations are rigorous and demanding as other high impact journals. I look forward to further reviewing papers for Environmental Health Insights and learning from my peers and other leaders in the field.
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