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It is well known that primary aldosteronism (PA) due to aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) is a surgically curable secondary hypertension. Thus, the differential diagnosis between unilateral hyperaldosteronemia due to APA and bilateral hyperaldosteronemia due to idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) is crucial to decide surgical indication for treatment in PA patients. Adrenal venous sampling (AVS) can diagnose the laterality of hypersecretion of aldosterone in those patients, while it is still impossible to differentiate bilateral hypersecretion of bilateral aldosterone-producing adenomas (Blt-APAs) from that of bilateral hyperplasia of IHA. To solve the problem, we try to develop a new method of supper-selective ACTH-stimulated adrenal venous sampling (SS-ACTH-AVS). We performed SS-ACTH-AVS by using a strip-tip type 2.2 Fr micro-catheter (Koshin Medical Inc. Japan). Adrenal effluents were sampled super-selectively at the central veins and at one or two tributaries of adrenal veins in each gland. We would like to emphasize that SS-ACTH-AVS can precisely analyze the situation of hyperfunction of steroidogenesis in each side of adrenals as well as in some tiny lesions inside the adrenal cortex which are not visible in the CT images. Moreover, we can differentiate Blt-APAs from IHA, and postulate the decision of surgical treatment, such as partial adrenalectomy. Thus, we should perform SS-ACTH-AVS especially in the case demonstrating the existence of bilateral adrenal lesions such as unilateral and bilateral tumors, or even no tumor in both sides in the patients with PA.
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