
An Announcement by Dr Charles D. Phillips

Posted Wed, Jan, 13,2016

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that, as of December 1, 2015, I assumed the position of  Editor-in-Chief for Health Services Insights, an open access health services research journal published by Libertas Academica.

I have published a couple of papers in Health Services Insights, and I was very impressed.  They average four weeks as the time frame for an initial editorial decision (reject, revise, etc).  In addition, they have what I consider a fabulous manuscript tracking system that lets an author know exactly where an article is in the review process at any point in time (e.g., still seeking reviewers, out to reviewers, one review in, out for copy-editing, etc).  I found all that much more satisfying than the normal "black box" review process in which you pitch a paper in the hopper, where it is processed in mysterious way, and then you hear the decision in some number of months, usually six to eight.

Health Services Insights is indexed in Pubmed and a variety of other databases and directories. It currently doesn't have an impact factor, but a paper I published about 10 weeks ago has been accessed over 160 times.  That rate seems equal to, or better really, than I have experienced with BMC Health Services Research or other open access journals with which I have experience.

I hope you will give Health Services Insights serious consideration as a place to publish your current work in health services research. The journal publishes research articles, research briefs, meta analyses, review articles, commentaries, and debates.  I also hope you will look kindly on any request you get from me to serve as a reviewer for Health Services InsightsView the homepage for more information.

By the way, Libertas Academica also has an array of journals in other fields that might be of interest to you or your colleagues, including healthy aging, a variety of fields in clinical medicine, bioinformatics, and environmental health. All of these journals also average four weeks to initial decision and the use the same manuscript tracking system. View the complete journal list.

Feel free to share this with your colleagues who might be interested.

Best regards,

Charles Phillips, PhD, MPH

Editor-in Chief
Health Services Insights
Libertas Academica

 Regents Professor, Emeritus
School of Public Health
Texas A&M University

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Professor Amira Helmy (Theodor Bilhars Research Institute, Egypt)
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