Cancer Informatics 2014:13 119-124
Original Research
Published on 21 Oct 2014
DOI: 10.4137/CIN.S17948
Objective: To explore the advantages of using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to recognize patterns in colposcopy to classify images in colposcopy.
Purpose: Transversal, descriptive, and analytical study of a quantitative approach with an emphasis on diagnosis. The training test e validation set was composed of images collected from patients who underwent colposcopy. These images were provided by a gynecology clinic located in the city of Criciúma (Brazil). The image database (n = 170) was divided; 48 images were used for the training process, 58 images were used for the tests, and 64 images were used for the validation. A hybrid neural network based on Kohonen self-organizing maps and multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks was used.
Results: After 126 cycles, the validation was performed. The best results reached an accuracy of 72.15%, a sensibility of 69.78%, and a specificity of 68%.
Conclusion: Although the preliminary results still exhibit an average efficiency, the present approach is an innovative and promising technique that should be deeply explored in the context of the present study.
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This is the first time for us to submit a manuscript to Cancer Informatics. We thank the peer reviewers for their insightful comments, which have improved our manuscript markedly. We were pleased to find that the staff were extremely helpful and kept us informed of the progress of the submission step-by-step. Our experience with Cancer Informatics has been tremendous. Thank you very much!
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