

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment

A Cohort Study on Long-Term Adverse Effects of Parental Drinking: Background and Study Design

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Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2015:Suppl. 2 77-83

Published on 15 Dec 2015

DOI: 10.4137/SART.S23329

Further metadata provided in PDF

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Although many studies have addressed adverse outcomes in children of parents with alcohol abuse/dependence, less is known about the possible long-term effects of more normative patterns of parental alcohol consumption, including drinking at lower risk levels and heavy episodic or binge drinking. The extent of harm from parental drinking may therefore be underestimated. With this research proposal, we describe a project that aims to assess possible long-term adverse effects of parental drinking by combining survey and nationwide registry data. Advantages of a longitudinal general population cohort design include that it allows for detailed information on parental drinking through survey data and identification of possible negative long-term health and social outcomes from exposure to parental drinking 1–19 years after exposure through continuously updated nationwide registers. The rich information available from combining survey and registry data allows us to take into account important confounders, mediators, and moderators.




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