Integrative Medicine Insights
Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers integration of complementary medicine into the over-all pursuit of patient health.
Indexing: 5 major databases. Pubmed indexing for NIH-funded research.
Processing time: Decision in 2 weeks for 90% of papers.
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The Bioinformatics of Integrative Medical Insights: Proposals for an International PsychoSocial and Cultural Bioinformatics Project
Ernest Rossi1, Kathryn Rossi2, Garret Yount3, Mauro Cozzolino4 and Salvador Iannotti5
1Professor of Neuroscience, U.S.A. 2Professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy, U.S.A. 3Director of molecular biology laboratory at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 4Professor of General Psychology at the University of Salerno where he is a researcher and teacher of Psychological Research Methodology and member of the European Science Foundation Managment Committee (ESF/COST). 5Medical Director, The Istituto Mente-Corpo (The Mind-Body Institute), San Lorenzo Maggiore, Italy.
Abstract: We propose the formation of an International PsychoSocial and Cultural Bioinformatics Project (IPCBP) to explore the research foundations of Integrative Medical Insights (IMI) on all levels from the molecular-genomic to the psychological, cultural, social, and spiritual. Just as The Human Genome Project identified the molecular foundations of modern medicine with the new technology of sequencing DNA during the past decade, the IPCBP would extend and integrate this neuroscience knowledge base with the technology of gene expression via DNA/proteomic microarray research and brain imaging in development, stress, healing, rehabilitation, and the psychotherapeutic facilitation of existentional wellness. We anticipate that the IPCBP will require a unique international collaboration of, academic institutions, researchers, and clinical practioners for the creation of a new neuroscience of mind-body communication, brain plasticity, memory, learning, and creative processing during optimal experiential states of art, beauty, and truth. We illustrate this emerging integration of bioinformatics with medicine with a videotape of the classical 4-stage creative process in a neuroscience approach to psychotherapy.
facinating , where can i view the 4 stage video? i am interested in integrative healing through experiance. it seems that conventional medecine has left out the vitality of experiance and the characteristic qualities of the medecine sourses , plants behaviours, inspirational structures and so on . [email protected]
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