

Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics

Safety and Efficacy of Memantine Extended-Release in the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease

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Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 2013:5 95-102


Published on 06 May 2013

DOI: 10.4137/CMT.S7794

Further metadata provided in PDF

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects the majority of the 35 million people with dementia worldwide. Four pharmacological treatment options are available for this patient group, of which memantine is licensed for treatment of people with moderate to severe stages of the condition. Memantine acts through its function as an NMDA-glutamate receptor blocker and has an established safety profile. The evidence supporting its efficacy in people with AD includes a number of large randomized clinical trials showing benefit to cognition, function, and overall clinical outcome. Additional favorable health economics analyses have confirmed the clinical and cost-effectiveness of this drug. More recently an extended-release formulation has been developed. This review outlines the key evidence base supporting memantine as a treatment for moderate to severe AD, in addition to discussing the conditions under which it may provide additional value in combination with other drugs. The review also discusses the use of memantine to address behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) arising in people with AD and the limited evidence around its use in AD in people with Down’s syndrome. Finally the review considers the potential value of the extended release formulation in AD.




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