
Published Author Endorses Cancer Informatics

Posted Tue, Jun, 21,2011

In a recent testimonial for Cancer Informatics, Dr Seppo Karrila comments on the speed, quality and visibility of his recently published article:

"Compared with other journals we considered for publishing, Cancer Informatics provided extremely rapid but quality turnaround from draft submission to a flawlessly typeset final publication.  Moreover, sharing the article is now as easy as sharing a link with no subscriptions required, and additional code and data files are equally accessible, supporting reproducible research.  Because it has published many of our references we feel confident that our target readership must follow the journal.  This is further evidenced by the steadily growing number of views that are kindly provided as follow-up. A good combination of advantages with efficient and professional execution!"

Read or download Dr Karrila's open access article "A Comparison of Methods for Data-Driven Cancer Outlier Discovery, and An Application Scheme to Semisupervised Predictive Biomarker Discovery"

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Dr Pooja Raghavan (Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Mount Carmel Health, Columbus, OH, USA)
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