
Published This Week (1st June - 5th June)

Posted Thu, Jun, 04,2015

We are pleased to announce the publication of the following peer reviewed papers. Sign up to receive email alerts to receive immediate notification of new papers.

Biomarker Insights
Serum Neopterin Levels Among Hepatitis C-Positive Living-Donor Renal Transplant Recipients 

Immunomodulatory Effects of Probiotic Supplementation in Schizophrenia Patients: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial 

Biomaterial Approaches for Stem Cell-Based Myocardial Tissue Engineering  

Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research
Effects of Radiation Therapy on Breast Epithelial Cells in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers 

Cancer Informatics
Powerful Tukey's One Degree-of-Freedom Test for Detecting Gene-Gene and Gene-Environment Interactions 

Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders
Anemia and the Need for Intravenous Iron Infusion after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass 

Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Effect of Habitual Khat Chewing on Glycemic Control, Body Mass Index, and Age at Diagnosis of Diabetes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Yemen 

Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Molecular Evolutionary Analysis of β-Defensin Peptides in Vertebrates 

Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
p53 Contributes to Differentiating Gene Expression Following Exposure to Acetaminophen and Its Less Hepatotoxic Regioisomer Both In Vitro and In Vivo 

Journal of Experimental Neuroscience
Short and Long-term Effects of rTMS Treatment on Alzheimer's Disease at Different Stages: A Pilot Study

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Impact Evaluation of an Addiction Intervention Program in a Quebec Prison 

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My experience with Int J Tryptophan Research has been excellent. The editors and reviewers were most helpful and very "open" intellectually given we were proposing a novel and counter-intuitive hypothesis. The administrative staff have been patient, quick, helpful and friendly. I would and have recommended this group of journals to colleagues.
Dr Adrian Williams (University Hospitals Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)
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