
Libertas Reaches 25 Journals Indexed with PubMed

Posted Thu, Jun, 20,2013

In 2007 Libertas indexed its first journal with PubMed.  Since then a further 24 journals have been added to the directory, and growing.PubMed is an esteemed online database that provides access to over 22 million citations from biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed makes literature searches for researchers and readers effortless helping to maximi...

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New Series in the Libertas Blog: Featured Authors

Posted Mon, Jun, 03,2013

Libertas is pleased to announce the first post in our new featured author series of author interviews.This new series invites authors to answer questions on their background, research and insights into their manuscripts.This blog was created to highlight some of the authors that publish their work in Libertas journals.Notifications for Featured Author Blogs will be shared on our Twitter, Facebook,...

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Posted in: Authors

Article Usage Metrics Now Available for all Journals

Posted Fri, May, 24,2013

Journal metrics provide authors and readers with straight-forward metrics of articles published in each journal. Calculations of total article views and downloads are now available for all journals.Journal metrics are displayed under the analytics tab of each journal homepage providing calculations on:Article views and downloads from journals in total and by month  Views and downloads by ge...

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Introducing the New LA-Press Home Page

Posted Wed, Apr, 03,2013

Libertas is proud to announce the new and improved la-press home page. With a roll out of improved features and a new look interface, Authors and Readers will be able to navigate the site with the greatest of ease. Readers will be able to choose from a range of featured articles to stay up to date with the latest in science and medicine news. Scroll through a selection of the most read articles or...

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Posted in: Libertas Web Site

Get answers in real time with Libertas live chat

Posted Tue, Mar, 26,2013

Receive answers to your questions in real time with Libertas live chat. Connect to all members of our team regardless of location and avoid delays that can occur in email communication.Libertas live chat works like an instant messaging service. From any Libertas webpage simply click on the “Need help?”  button, fill in the required information and start your chat.Efficiently recei...

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Follow Libertas on Twitter

Posted Thu, Mar, 21,2013

Follow @la_press and stay up to date with the latest medical and scientific articles with ease. With 40 different category feeds and a selection of news feeds @la_press allows you to receive timely announcements of both new and forthcoming articles.Receive updates on newly published papers, journal developments and calls for papers directly to your news stream. Missed an article? We have you cover...

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Posted in: Social Media

What Your Colleagues Say About Libertas Academica
My co-authors and I had a very positive experience with the review and publication process in Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology.  The review was on point, and publication was also rapid and allowed us the needed revisions in the proof preparation process.
Professor Roberto Pedrinelli (Universita di Pisa, Pisa, Italy)
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