
Interview with Evolutionary Bioinformatics author Dr. Catherine Putonti

Posted Mon, Sep, 03,2012

Dr Catherine Putonti is co-author of ‘MiIP: The Monomer Identification and Isolation Program’, recently published in Evolutionary Bioinformatics.  We asked Dr Putonti to tell us about the background to the paper.To start please tell us about the genesis of your paper. Why did you consider it to be important that it should be written? How does it advance existing knowledge in the f...

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Posted in: Authors

Libertas Author Wins Oncology Award

Posted Wed, Jul, 04,2012

Dr Mark W. Dewhirst, a co-author of 'Elevated CAIX Expression is Associated with an Increased Risk of Distant Failure in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer' published in Biomarker Insights was recently awarded The American Society for Radiation Oncology's 2012 Gold Medal for his work in the field of radiation oncology.The Gold Medal is the Society's highest honor and is awarded for outsta...

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Posted in: AuthorsAwards

Interview with Japanese Clinical Medicine author Dr. Keiko Arai

Posted Sun, Mar, 18,2012

Dr Arai is co-author of ‘Combination Therapy with a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor, Sulfonylurea, and Metformin Markedly Improves HbA1c Levels in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus’, recently published in Japanese Clinical Medicine.  We asked Dr Arai to tell us about the background to the paper.To start please tell us about the genesis of your paper.  Why did y...

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Posted in: Authors

Interview with Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology author Dr Yoshihito Yokoyama

Posted Tue, Mar, 06,2012

Dr Yokoyama is co-author of ‘Malignant Ovarian Tumors with Induced Expression of Carbonyl Reductase show Spontaneous Regression’, recently published in Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology.  We asked Dr Yokoyama to tell us about the background to the paper.To start please tell us about the genesis of your paper.  Why did you consider it to be important that it should be writt...

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Posted in: Authors

Interview with Biomedical Informatics Insights Supplement author Cyril Grouin

Posted Thu, Feb, 02,2012

Cyril Grouin is the author of 'A Combined Approach to Emotion Detection in Suicide Notes', recently published in the Biomedical Informatics Insights Supplement.  We asked Dr Grouin to tell us about the background of this paper.To start please tell us about the challenge this year. Why did you decide to become involved, and what goals did you and/or your team expect to accomplish?In ou...

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Posted in: Authors

Interview with Biomedical Informatics Insights Supplement author Hui Yang

Posted Thu, Feb, 02,2012

Dr Hui Yang is the author of 'A Hybrid Model for Automatic Emotion Recognition in Suicide Notes', recently published in the Biomedical Informatics Insights Supplement.  We asked Dr Yang to tell us about the background of this paper.To start please tell us about the challenge this year.  Why did you decide to become involved, and what goals did you and/or your team expect to accom...

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Posted in: Authors

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