
Sequencing and Computing for Microbial Identification

Posted Tue, May, 21,2013

Published today in Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology is a new review by Brijesh Singh Yadav, Venkateswarlu Ronda, Dinesh P. Vashista and Bhaskar Sharma.  Read more about this paper below:TitleSequencing and Computational Approaches to Identification and Characterization of Microbial OrganismsAbstractThe recent advances in sequencing technologies and computational approaches are...

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Acyclovir by Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry

Posted Tue, May, 21,2013

Published today in Analytical Chemistry Insights is a new original research article by  Arnaldo Aguiar Castro, Ana Isa Perez Cordoves, and Percio Augusto Mardini Farias.  Read more about this paper below:TitleDetermination of the Antiretroviral Drug Acyclovir in Diluted Alkaline Electrolyte by Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry at the Mercury Film ElectrodeAbstractThis paper describes a st...

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Measuring Restriction Sizes Using DWI

Posted Mon, May, 20,2013

Published today in Magnetic Resonance Insights is a new review by Melanie Martin.  Read more about this paper below:TitleMeasuring Restriction Sizes Using Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A ReviewAbstractThis article reviews a new concept in magnetic resonance as applied to cellular and biological systems. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging can be used to infer inform...

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Ozone Dose: Rest versus Exercise

Posted Mon, May, 20,2013

Published today in Biomarker Insights is a new original research article by Gary E. Hatch, John McKee, James Brown, William McDonnell, Elston Seal, Joleen Soukup, Ralph Slade, Kay Crissman and Robert Devlin.  Read more about this paper below:TitleBiomarkers of Dose and Effect of Inhaled Ozone in Resting versus Exercising Human Subjects: Comparison with Resting RatsAbstractTo determine the inf...

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Genetic Risk Score Based Association Analysis

Posted Mon, May, 20,2013

Published today in Bioinformatics and Biology Insights is a new short report by Pingzhao Hu, Aleixo M. Muise, Xiang Xing, John H. Brumell, Mark S. Silverberg and Wei Xu.  Read more about this paper below:TitleAssociation Between a Multi-Locus Genetic Risk Score and Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseAbstractTo date, the utility of single genetic markers to improve disease risk assessment still explain...

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RNAi Stratagems Against HIV-1

Posted Fri, May, 17,2013

Published today in Evolutionary Bioinformatics is a new review by Dimitrios Vlachakis, Georgia Tsiliki, Athanasia Pavlopoulou, Maria G. Roubelakis, Spyridon Champeris Tsaniras and Sophia Kossida.  Read more about this paper below:TitleAntiviral Stratagems Against HIV-1 Using RNA Interference (RNAi) TechnologyAbstractThe versatility of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 and its evolutionary ...

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