Publication Date: 06 Feb 2013
Type: Perspective
Journal: Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
Citation: Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 2013:7 11-22
doi: 10.4137/GRSB.S10943
The current approach to treatment in oncology is to replace the generally cytotoxic chemotherapies with pharmaceutical treatment which inactivates specific molecular targets associated with cancer development and progression. The goal is to limit cellular damage to pathways perceived to be directly responsible for the malignancy. Its underlying assumptions are twofold: (1) that individual pathways are the cause of malignancy; and (2) that the treatment objective should be destruction—either of the tumor or the dysfunctional pathway. However, the extent to which data actually support these assumptions has not been directly addressed. Accumulating evidence suggests that systemic dysfunction precedes the disruption of specific genetic/molecular pathways in most adult cancers and that targeted treatments such as kinase inhibitors may successfully treat one pathway while generating unintended changes to other, non-targeted pathways. This article discusses (1) the systemic basis of malignancy; (2) better profiling of pre-cancerous biomarkers associated with elevated risk so that preventive lifestyle modifications can be instituted early to revert high-risk epigenetic changes before tumors develop; (3) a treatment emphasis in early stage tumors that would target the restoration of systemic balance by strengthening the body's innate defense mechanisms; and (4) establishing better quantitative models of systems to capture adequate complexity for predictability at all stages of tumor progression.
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Publishing in Gene Regulation and Systems Biology was a very positive experience. I was impressed by the fast and uncomplicated submission process as well as the clear and professional peer review process which helped to improve the manuscript. The Libertas Academica team was very patient and helpful. I would definitely recommend the journal to other colleagues in the field!
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