Gene Expression to Genetical Genomics 2013:6 1-8
Short Report
Published on 19 Feb 2013
DOI: 10.4137/GGG.S10716
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In this work the authors evaluated the expression of cat, glu, cypP450, hsp70 and 18S RNA in Colossoma macropomum following exposure to copper and cadmium by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and quantitative qRT-PCR. In RT-PCR and qRT-PCR hsp70 expression was highest after exposure to copper for 3 hours (h). glu expression increased after exposure to cadmium, regardless of time. cat expression increased after the first hour of exposure to both metals, and decreased after 3 hs. cyp450 expression was higher when compared to controls in exposed fish regardless of metal and exposure time. cyp450 expression after exposure to copper for 3 h was twice that recorded after 1 h. In the presence of cadmium, cyp450 expression was higher in the animals exposed for 1 h and lower at 3 h. Therefore, toxicology tests and biomonitoring based on molecular markers should focus on a set of molecular and/or environmental parameters, rather than isolated markers.
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