Publication Date: 12 Aug 2013
Type: Review
Journal: Biomarkers in Cancer
Citation: Biomarkers in Cancer 2013:5 31-39
doi: 10.4137/BIC.S12389
The HER2 oncoprotein has emerged as an essential biomarker in the treatment of breast cancer patients. Once the primary breast cancer is removed, there is an increasing need to detect breast cancer recurrence as early as possible with the hope that earlier intervention with new anti-HER2 therapies will improve quality of life and increase overall survival. Numerous publications have shown that increasing blood levels of circulating HER2 is an early indicator of progression, particularly in HER2-positive patients and that the rise and fall parallels the clinical course of disease and independent of therapy. Many studies show that the HER2 status of the primary tumor may not fully and accurately reflect the HER2 status of recurrent cancer. Thus, elevated serum HER2 levels may be an early signal of the emergence of a HER2-positive metastatic tumor and therefore alert the physician to re-assess HER2 status using a tissue test.
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