Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 2013:7 93-99
Original Research
Published on 13 Nov 2013
DOI: 10.4137/JEN.S12979
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Auto antibodies found in the mothers of children with autistic disorder (MCAD) when passively transferred to pregnant mice cause behavioral alterations in juvenile and adult offspring. The goal of this study was to identify whether intraperitoneal injection of MCAD-IgG during gestation affected postnatal cell proliferation and survival in P7 offspring. Pooled MCAD-IgG or IgG from mothers of unaffected children (MUC) or phosphate-buffered saline was injected daily into C57BL/J6 pregnant dams (gestational days E13–E18). MCAD-IgG exposure significantly increased cell proliferation in the subventricular and subgranular zones. In contrast, BrdU-labeled cells on P1 and surviving until P7 (P1-generated cells) showed reduced cell densities in layers 2–4 of frontal and parietal cortices of MCAD mice compared to those in MUC and PBS-injected mice. In conclusion, significant increases in cell proliferation at P7 and reduced densities of P1-generated cells distinguish in utero exposure to MCAD compared to MUC and PBS.
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I am happy to provide an endorsement for Journal of Experimental Neuroscience because the editor provided a great deal of flexibility in providing an opportunity to publish. I must also commend the helpful staff at Libertas who have facilitated the publishing process.
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