Magnetic Resonance Insights 2013:6 51-58
Original Research
Published on 15 May 2013
DOI: 10.4137/MRI.S10861
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Abstract: Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) detects alterations in major prostate metabolites, such as citrate (Cit), creatine (Cr), and choline (Ch). We evaluated the sensitivity and accuracy of three-dimensional MRSI of prostate using an endorectal compared to an external phased array “receive” coil on a 3T MRI scanner. Eighteen patients with prostate cancer (PCa) who underwent endorectal MR imaging and proton (1H) MRSI were included in this study. Immediately after the endorectal MRSI scan, the PCa patients were scanned with the external phased array coil. The endorectal coil-detected metabolite ratio [(Ch+Cr)/Cit] was significantly higher in cancer locations (1.667 ± 0.663) compared to non-cancer locations (0.978 ± 0.420) (P < 0.001). Similarly, for the external phased array, the ratio was significantly higher in cancer locations (1.070 ± 0.525) compared to non-cancer locations (0.521 ± 0.310) (P < 0.001). The sensitivity and accuracy of cancer detection were 81% and 78% using the endorectal ‘receive’ coil, and 69% and 75%, respectively using the external phased array ‘receive’ coil.
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It was a pleasure to work with your editorial board. Responses were extremely rapid and very useful. You must be the most e-literate journal with which I have interacted, and that is many, including the big guys. I am proud to have our review published in Magnetic Resonance Insights.
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