
Get Involved As a Volunteer Peer Reviewer

Posted Thu, Feb, 06,2014

All submitted manuscripts to Libertas are subject to two to three peer reviewers per manuscript.  These reviews go toward the peer review report completed by the editor in chief.  

Because of our extensive peer review practice, and because of natural growth in the quantity of submissions received, we now seek new volunteer peer reviewers.  

Being a peer reviewer can also benefit the individuals who are involved:

  • Reviewers gain more recognition and exposure among other authors and contributors in their field

  • Reviewers make useful connections within the science community, helping to build reputations among other scientists

  • Our online platform and automated processes for handling manuscripts mean that less time is spent on processes that aren’t related to feedback and therefore peer review has become a more efficient experience

  • There are no limitations or expectations with the amount of papers reviewed. Invitations can be declined or accepted to fit in with reviewers’ schedules

  • Participating in peer reviews provides reviewers with insights on how to review papers and in turn can help in their own publishing experiences. Reviewers can learn how to understand what is expected from their own paper as well as how to respond to peer reviewer comments

If you hold a PhD in the area of one or more of our journals, read and write fluent English, and have at least 12 months prior experience as a peer reviewer and author we invite you to register as a volunteer peer reviewer.  All applications are assessed by the editor in chief or associate editor of the journal, who may apply additional criteria at their discretion.

Apply to become a peer reviewer today!

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Our Service Promise

  • Efficient Processing: 4 Weeks Average to First Editorial Decision
  • Fair & Independent Expert Peer Review
  • High Visibility & Extensive Database Coverage
What Your Colleagues Say About Libertas Academica
It is a great pleasure for me to be a peer reviewer for Libertas Academica.  The review process is efficient, well organized, and user friendly.  I encourage others to be a part of this team as an author or a peer reviewer/editor.  Thanks Libertas Academica editors and editorial management for maintaining this high level of quality and for their professionalism.
Dr Mahmud Hossain (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, Washington, USA)
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