

Clinical Medicine Reviews in Women's Health

Current and Evolving Therapeutic Options in the Treatment of Early Breast Cancer

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Clinical Medicine Reviews in Women's Health 2011:3


Published on 20 Feb 2011

DOI: 10.4137/CMRWH.S1636

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Improvements in overall survival and patient quality of life highlight the remarkable progress in breast cancer over the past two decades. Even though these outcomes are frequently attributed to early diagnosis, new surgical techniques, novel agents, and a better understanding of the biology of the disease, the impressive achievements would not have occurred without patient participation in well-designed clinical trials. And while it is counter-intuitive to believe that the complexity of a disease can be made even more complicated by results of scientific research, this is likely to be true for breast cancer. Nevertheless, the conquest of the disease is being relentlessly pursued by cancer researchers who, like Cervantes’ fictional character, are convinced that their quest against unseemly odds is not misguided fantasy.



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The reviewing and editorial management of our paper was timely, thorough, and systematic.  In particular the reviewers' comments resulted in a paper significantly more robust than the first version.
Dr Clark D Jeffries (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
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