Publication Date: 22 Mar 2011
Type: Original Research
Journal: Genomics Insights
Citation: Genomics Insights 2011:4 1-12
doi: 10.4137/GEI.S6092
We have cloned a novel human mixed-lineage kinase gene, MLK4. Two alternatively spliced forms, MLK4α (580 aa) and MLK4ß (1036 aa), have been identified and mapped to chromosomal band 1q42. MLK4 shows high amino acid homology to the kinase catalytic domain of MLK3 (72%), MLK1 (71%) and MLK2 (69%). Strong expression of MLK4 was detected in the human pancreas and kidneys. pCMV-MLK4ß c-myc-tagged protein (human) was expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus of transiently transfected COS-1 cells, while pCMV-MLK4α c-myc-tagged protein (human) was expressed in cytoplasm only. Both MLK4 isoforms reduced the colony formation ability of MCF7 cells by 85%–95% and almost totally suppressed cell proliferation in the CyQUANT cell proliferation assay. Human pCMV-MLK4ß transgenic mice expressed the MLK4ß in all tissues examined but no phenotypic abnormalities were observed. Thus, in this work, we present the cloning and sequencing of MLK4α and MLK4ß for the first time; the data obtained suggest that MLK4 may function as a MAP kinase.
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Recently we published a paper describing cloning of a new kinase gene, MLK4, in Genomics Insights. I was impressed by the prompt processing and speed of publication. The comments from the reviewers allowed me to improve the paper significantly. The reviews were scientifically deep and objective, which is very valuable because in many journals decisions to publish or not to publish are very unfair and subjective. I highly recommend that other ...
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