


Range of open access peer reviewed Biology journals & associated research articles. Read full text articles or submit your research for publishing

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Results 1-10 of 10 for Biology

Biochemistry Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers biochemistry.

Cancer Informatics

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers the role of computational biology and bioinformatics in cancer treatment.

Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers cell and tissue transplantation and therapy.

Cell Communication Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers cell communication and signal transduction.

Gene Regulation and Systems Biology

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers regulation of genes and proteins they encode and the broader field of systems biology.

Genomics Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers genomics.

Glycobiology Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers glycosidases, glycosyltransferases, glycolipids, lectins, lectin ligands, and protein-carbohydrate interactions in normal functions and disease states.

Journal of Cell Death

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers natural and pathological aspects of all types of cell death.

Microbiology Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers microbiology.

Reproductive Biology Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers vertibrate reproductive biology.

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Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports was very thorough. I appreciated the way you painstakingly followed all the processes of verifying submitted manuscripts for publication.  It shows that you do not just allow anything to pass for publication!  Please keep the good work. Science and indeed biological research should be verifiable and dynamic.
Dr Ali Ishaq Shugaba (University of Jos, Nigeria)
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