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Proteomics Insights

Synopsis: An open access, peer reviewed electronic journal that covers proteomics.

Indexing: Indexed by OAIster.  Pubmed indexing for NIH-funded research.

Processing time: Decision in 2 weeks for 90% of papers.

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View factor:
Journal: 14611
Most read article: 711
Editor in chief:
Hassan Dihazi
ISSN: 1178-6418


AIM-BLAST-AJAX Interfaced Multisequence Blast

Authors: G. Aravindhan, R. Sathish Kumar, K. Subha, T.K.Subazini, Alpana Dey, Krishna Kant and G. Ramesh Kumar
Publication Date: 24 Mar 2009
Proteomics Insights 2009:2 9-13

G. Aravindhan1, R. Sathish Kumar2, K. Subha1, T.K.Subazini1, Alpana Dey3, Krishna Kant3 and G. Ramesh Kumar1

1Bioinformatics Division, AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai—600 044, India. 2NRCFOSS, AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai—600 044, India. 3Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, DT, New Delhi-110 003, India.


AIM-BLAST, AJAX Interfaced Multisequence Blast, is a simplified tool developed to facilitate the multiple sequences blast using AJAX as an interface. This tool has been integrated with the SOAP services of EBI NCBI Blast and the functionality of AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML), so as to minimize the enormous bandwidth consumption while carrying out blast analysis for many sequences at an instance. Although a few tools for multiple sequences blast are already available online, they are restricted only to a limited number of genomes and consume several bytes of data transfer for receiving the results. Further, AIM-BLAST also has enhanced features for automated parsing of the Blast results of individual sequence and presenting them as “one sequence-one function” manner. This will save the users time and effort in interpreting the bulky blast results to identify one suitable hit. The results of the blast search in this tool are displayed in an easily interpretable table format that makes the tool user-friendly too. Hence this tool, with a laconic framework, will remain a well structured, flexible and a highly controlled Blast Program for investigating numerous sequences at a stretch with the consumption of reduced level of data transfer.

Availability: AIM-BLAST is freely available at http://biotool.nrcfosshelpline.in/aimblast/

Categories: Proteomics

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