Publication Date: 07 Apr 2009
Type: Original Research
Journal: Integrative Medicine Insights
Citation: Integrative Medicine Insights 2009:4 1-11
Christine Patterson1 and Heather Arthur2
1School of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 2Cardiovascular Nursing Research Faculty of Health Sciences School of Nursing McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Limited information exists on how adolescents decide to use complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). There are also no instruments specific to CAM, for the young adult population, which makes it difficult to explore knowledge in this area. The purpose of this study was to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the CAM Questionnaire for Young Adults which measures young adults’ attitudes about CAM. Participants for this cross-sectional survey were selected from enrolled undergraduate students at an urban university. Factor analysis identified three subscales: 1) positive beliefs about CAM; 2) environmental influence; and 3) psychological comfort. The scale has good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79) and shows beginning demonstration of validity. Its use in this sample revealed that young adults who are female and have used CAM in the past for preventing or treating illness have the most positive attitude towards CAM and the greatest likelihood for continued use. The implication that prevention may play a role in young adults’ attitudes about CAM is a potential focus for future research.
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