Publication Date: 13 Sep 2011
Type: Original Research
Journal: Nutrition and Metabolic Insights
Citation: Nutrition and Metabolic Insights 2011:4 39-47
doi: 10.4137/NMI.S7837
Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of a nutritional supplement containing a proprietary blend of Phellodendron and Crape Myrtle on serum glucose and insulin in response to a modified oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
Methods: Using a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design, 10 exercise-trained, non-diabetic men reported to the lab in a 10 hour fasted state, on two different mornings separated by 1–2 weeks, and were subjected to an OGTT by ingesting a 75 gram dextrose solution. Fifteen minutes prior to the OGTT subjects ingested either a dietary supplement containing a blend of Phellodendron and Crape Myrtle (SUPP) or a placebo (PLA). Blood samples were collected before ingestion of the SUPP or PLA and at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 minutes post-ingestion of the dextrose load. Samples were analyzed for serum glucose and insulin.
Results: In relation to serum glucose, a condition effect was noted (P = 0.01), with values lower for SUPP compared to PLA. In relation to serum insulin, a trend for a condition effect was noted (P = 0.06), with values lower for SUPP compared to PLA.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that acute ingestion of a dietary supplement containing a blend of Phellodendron and Crape Myrtle can lower the serum glucose response to a modified OGTT, while resulting in a non-significant attenuation in insulin response. These data are specific to a small sample of exercise-trained, non-diabetic men.
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We have had a great experience publishing our paper in Nutrition & Metabolic Insights. The peer review process was rigorous and the journal staff were very helpful with proof processing. We will definitely be submitting future manuscripts to this journal. Keep up the good work!!
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