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Tryptophan, Neurodegeneration and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder

Authors: Nicholas W.S. Davies, Gilles Guillemin and Bruce J. Brew
Publication Date: 10 Jun 2010
International Journal of Tryptophan Research 2010:3 121-140

Nicholas W.S. Davies1,2, Gilles Guillemin2 and Bruce J. Brew1,2

1Department of Neurology, and 2St Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research, St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia.


This review presents an up-to-date assessment of the role of the tryptophan metabolic and catabolic pathways in neurodegenerative disease and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. The kynurenine pathway and the effects of each of its enzymes and products are reviewed. The differential expression of the kynurenine pathway in cells within the brain, including inflammatory cells, is explored given the increasing recognition of the importance of inflammation in neurodegenerative disease. An overview of common mechanisms of neurodegeneration is presented before a review and discussion of the evidence for a pathogenetic role of the kynurenine pathway in Alzheimer’s disease, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder, Huntington’s disease, motor neurone disease, and Parkinson’s disease.