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Discuss and share Database Analysis of Adults with Bipolar Disorder Consuming a Micronutrient Formula


Posted by
The Authors
19:03,May 21, 2009

Thank you for your comment and question. With respect to the analysis being based on self-report, it is important to keep in mind that *all* clinical studies of mental health rely 100% on self-report. There are no biomarkers of mental status that are reliable. Sometimes the self-report is recorded by the patient; sometimes it is 'filtered' through a physician who first asks the patient for self-report and then does the recording. With respect to randomized controlled trials, none is yet completed on this formula. For a list of the studies that *have* been completed, please look at the reference list on the Gately and Kaplan paper.

Posted by
Nanci Schiman
15:37,May 21, 2009

This appears to have been a study based on self reports. What is the status of the double blind placebo controlled study that is supposed to be underway?

Posted by
The Authors
21:37,May 11, 2009

Thank you for your question, Suzanne. As we indicated in the text of the article, the symptoms were from the DSM-IV. "The Self-Monitoring Form which forms the basis of the current analyses consists of 16 DSM-specified mood symptoms (e.g. loss of interest in hobbies or activities; an excessively high or elated mood).

Posted by
18:48,May 08, 2009

I would like to know which symptoms were chosen for this study.

Posted by
08:47,April 14, 2009

EMPower plus really made a huge difference in my health. Luckily I had refused all medications so that didn't get in the way. I just wanted to comment about Shay's comment. Nothing is going to work for every person every time. It's believed that the drug's effects are increased by the supplement, and there are many complications. Even Truehope says it won't work for everyone, so if you couldn't make it work for you, that means nothing. We aren't like cars you just magically fix with the right formula. We're complex genetic beings, and it's totally miraculous that we even exist imo. I have been around the skeptic community a long time and I have seen every argument. A true skeptic doesn't come to ANY conclusion without evidence. Just CALLING people snake oil salesmen and comparing them to hypnotists means nothing. I am SO happy about this study because it stands in stark contrast to the status quo. I'm living a full life now, when my doctor said the only way I was going to change was with drugs. For me, that's the only scientific evidence I need that there is something drastically wrong with the medical establishment.

Posted by
15:47,April 12, 2009

I am 70 years old and have been on medication for mental disorders for 35 years. The early drugs were horrible and I thought the newer ones were wonderful--but I still had side effects that I didn't like. Four years ago I began taking Empower Plus and it took nearly a year for me to feel that I was well on the way to recovery. I went off all meds within three months of Empower Plus and today I function like a normal person. I smile when I am out in public and can hardly remember being afraid of people. I love parties like I did when I was a teenager. My daughter went on Empower Plus about a year after I did and was doing fine. She usually ended up in the hospital for a few weeks in January or February. She went three years without being hospitalized. In September of last year she decided Empower Plus was too expensive so she went back to her doctor and went on prescription drugs. In February she had a major melt down and ended up in the hospital for two weeks and was released into my care for an additional six weeks. She told her psychiatrist she had been on Empower Plus and he strongly recommended that she go back on it. She was on it for the full six weeks she was with me and her moods normalized so much she was able to return home to her family. She is still not off her prescription drugs but with the help of her psychiatrist she is gradually going off them again. Praise be to Empower Plus.

Posted by
David McGill
03:30,April 11, 2009

My daughter first started displaying symptoms of bipolar disorder during her senior year in high school which was over 12 years ago. She wasn't diagnosed at that time, but was later labeled "Depressed" and given anti-depressants. She went through the extreme rollercoaster of bipolar disorder for several years finally having a complete psychotic break and had to be put in a psychiatric hospital for two weeks. That was when she was finally diagnosed as being bipolar and put on Lithium and other drugs. She did that for about 6 months and didn't like the way the drugs made her feel and so stopped taking them on her own. Her mother and I started to notice her getting a bit manic and she admitted that she had stopped taking the medications. I had found out about Truehope and EM Power plus when she was still in the hospital, but her mother didn't want to risk it at the time. It was still very new then. But when we found out she had stopped taking the meds anyway, we thought it was worth a try. She told us that with in a couple of weeks that she felt more like herself than she had since her senior year in High School. That was about five years ago and she has been doing great ever since! She is very talented and is now pursuing a career as a singer and an actress. She say that the greatest thing I ever did for her was finding EM Power Plus. Maybe it doesn't work for everybody, but anybody dealing with Bipolar disorder as well as any other psychological disorder, should at least give it a try. If you have been on a lot of psych drugs, be patient because you may have to go through a period of withdrawal, even if it's been a while since you last took them. I would say that you would need to give it at least 3-6 months before giving up. I have no qualms about my daughter taking EM Power plus for the rest of her life, but I sure wouldn't want her taking a bunch of psych drugs that have all kinds of side effects, many of which may not even be known yet.

Posted by
16:19,April 10, 2009

I have tried it and it didn’t help me, if anything made things worse. If vitamins actually worked then eating properly would do the same thing. I would say 80 % of people with problems eat properly and still have their symptoms. I guess I was like most of you and hoped it was true. I guess my mind is stronger and didn’t let this placebo fool myself into thinking I was feeling better. I hope nothing serious happens to any of you. Vitamins are not any safer for you then your meds so don’t fool yourself. What kind of medical training do their phone advice givers have, NONE. These snake salesmen are getting rich off of your desperate hope, they are nothing more than scammers. Where is the documented evidence? You would get the same results going to a hypnotist. I will wait till someone does something trouble and holds them accountable for taking them off their meds which they tell everyone that tries their vitamins. Just to play it safe they tell you to notify your doctor as if that is going to take the responsibility away from them.

Posted by
05:29,April 10, 2009

We went through 8 years of the bi-polar rollercoaster with our son, until we finally put him on EMPower+. He is now a high school graduate holding down a very demanding aerospace manufacturing job - 100% free of prescription meds. Our son also felt worse after about 6 weeks on EMPower+, and after consulting with the support staff we started tapering him off his meds, which provided immediate improvement. I hope Joe, who had headaches, consulted with the support staff before giving up! Thank goodness for EMPower+!!

Posted by
Ed Merner
01:47,April 10, 2009

I have been on EMPowerPlus for almost 9 months now, and is the best medical supplement I have ever been on. I have severe bipolar, epilepsy, and social anxiety. Before I started the EMPowerPlus Program, I was unable to even go outside, fearing even one stranger randomly talking to me. Now, I can go out a little bit at a time, and actually work beside people I don't know. If it were not for EMPowerPlus, I would not be able to live as I wanted to, as I can now. Also, I have gained weight, going from 90 lbs. to 165 lbs. since I started the program, which the 40 differing combinations of "approved" bipolar disorder drugs could not help, and also worsened my condition. I am now experiencing almost normal life, thanks to EMPowerPlus and TrueHope, whom Autumn Stringham's book, "A Promise Of Hope" helped me find.. Ed, Alberta, Canada.

Posted by
01:03,April 10, 2009

Tried Empowerplus for bipolar, it gave me sever head aches and I felt worse on it. Will stick with my meds thank you

Posted by
Peter Silverman
21:05,April 09, 2009

I had very good luck with EmPower Plus. After two years of severe depression and hypomania, I began taking it in January 2005. In May of that year my depression ended, and I have had no mood swings in the almost four years since that time. I discontinued lithium and other psychiatric medication gradually about 9 months after I began the EmPower Plus. I have some familiarity with bipolar disorder from the outside as well as inside as I am a retired licensed clinical social worker with many years of experience working in mental health clinics. Peter Silverman, Ashland, Oregon

Posted by
Sy Langeraap
20:25,April 09, 2009

I have been on EMPowerplus since last November and discontinued taking Lithium. I will never take another pyschedellic drug again! Empowerplus is the only way to go if you have any kind of mental problem!